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When I got married in 2021, my father gave me some money from a house he sold as a wedding gift. He said, son, take this money and buy a house for yourself. However, I didn't follow his advice. Instead, I decided to try multiplying the money rather than buying a new home. That's when I started watching videos from investment YouTubers because according to them, it seemed very easy to grow your money. I bought some stocks that he recommended, but those stocks dropped significantly. One of them, which was under bankruptcy protection, lost over 90% of its value. I kept the rest of the money aside. Eventually, I had about $160,000 left.
And in November 2023, I used it to buy more Bitcoin and store them in this wallet. Bitcoin started to rise slightly in value. Then I watched some videos from influencers advising people to move their BTC off exchanges and onto a USB pen drive. I am not a big fan of cryptocurrencies in general, but I thought I will store it in this digital wallet. The influencers kept saying Bitcoin on an exchange isn't really your Bitcoin. So I bought the wallet and wrote down the seed words on a piece of paper like this one. So I placed the paper inside a Zerny music score like this one.
I don't remember which Zerny it was, but it was a notebook with yellow pages like this, probably from the 30s. At the time, my housekeeper had a son who played piano at church. Now I suspect I may have given her some of my shit music. So today, I have no idea if those music scores are with her or if they ended up at a used bookstore where I occasionally donate books. This shit music, along with the paper, could now be anywhere, as some people collect old shit music books. At home, I have a lot of books and I often donate them.
By the way, if you have books at home, you should consider donating them to someone in need. And that's the story. Now I no longer have access to those cryptocurrency funds and I don't know what to do. I recently saw a story about someone who spent 10 years searching for their wallet password and eventually found it. It had a million dollars in it. Now I'm searching for the password, but I don't know how I'm going to find it. There's so many scams in this area and new ones pops up all the time. People claim they want to help, but really just want to take your money. So that's my story.
If anyone comes across a Zerny music score from 1933 with a piece of paper like this inside and says, Shampola, please contact me. .
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