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The other thing too that you recently shared on Instagram, and I have to bring this up, because I was so excited to see this photo that you shared. And I'm sure a lot of other people saw it too, but you posted a picture with you and Mike Portnoy together backstage at a dream theater show. And I was like jumping up and down about this picture, pretty much literally, because I know you and I know your personality and history, and we've known each other for decades now. But for the public to see that display of friendship between you and Mike, I thought that was so important. Yeah, of course it is. It's a good thing.
And again, you know me, so that's to be expected. Well, the whole thing is that we were friends before I got this job. I mean, literally, he's in my place in LA, we're hanging out. He was the one that invited me to all the dream theater shows. He was the person I was closest with. He said all kinds of nice things about me all the time to people and in magazines. And so the audition thing happened and he had left. And that's kind of our relationship kind of just went into a holding pattern and that was that. Which I can, whatever that means, this just might've been awkward for him or whatever. I don't know, I don't know.
But anyway, we just kind of get our things. But what's interesting is with my audition, I wasn't friends with them. I knew James because I had done three records with him and would consider him a friend to a point, but we didn't yap other than that. Portnoy was the one that was my friend. So the guy that left was the person I was closest with. And even for the audition, James had his current drummer, Peter Willdoer, into the dream theater audition. You know what I'm saying? So I kind of had no, it was nothing, anything that was suggested that I was friends with them and I was just given the job or anything like that. .
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