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What up, Dough Conners? Part 3 of the Worldwide Download Celebration is finally here, so let's take a look at the campaign details, shall we? Starting with the space t- Dude, look at that. That actually looks pretty dope. Okay. So we got the fusion Zabasubi, we got the trunks in the banner art, which is cool. Rise up resistance force all user co-op campaign part 3, which requires you to complete some missions, blah blah blah blah. Unique title. New Extremes Z Battle and new stages of events will become available. They're only mentioning the one Extremes Z Battle. Interesting.
Plus the unique title for the Divine Wrath Mortal Will ending song of the anime Dragon Ball Z History of Trunks is played at the specified time, blah blah blah. Okay. So we have, um. . . Are the dates the same? Oh yeah, yeah, the daily missions and the event missions are the same, yeah. Then we've got the 50 special ticket summon collect missions. So the new missions are available now. You can now assemble your full 50 tickets to do that free multi, which you will see in a follow up video. I also go over all of the missions in a separate video.
The mission rewards have been upgraded for the In Search of Light of Hope. This has now gone up to five stones for every time you complete the starting from tomorrow, the next day that this campaign starts. New co-op missions, SNS social media campaigns. So the first one is available as of now. Then the next one happens next week and that is the final week of the worldwide download celebration. Goku Brick! His EZA, the TUR EZA will be dropping tonight. Just a couple of hours after me posting this video. I am live right now as of me recording this video. So if you guys want to join in, feel free.
And here are the new story events or the stages for the story events. EX Skill Orbs for the Int Trunks. This is the final stage for the Trunks Saga thingy. We've got new stages for the Divine Wrath, Mortal Will. New Ultimate Red Zone. I think this is it. I know some people were thinking there's going to be more for the Ultimate Red Zone, like a Corrupted Fusions monster or something happening later on. Here's the thing though, with the mission we also assembled a support memory. So I think because of that, this effectively ends this Red Zone. You can't really go further than that.
But I mean, anything is possible. But I really feel like this is going to be the end for the Fusions Amasu. We've got the new support memory boost event. All of these things are starting right now. So all of these are available. The only thing so far that we've seen that's not available is the Goku Black EZA that will be happening in a couple of hours. And then the Search of Light of Hope that only happens on the next available reset. We've got the Extremes Z areas for the STR Trunks and the INT Saiyan Armor Trunks. We've got the support campaign available for the Goku Black EZA.
We're not getting any sub EZA medals. We're just getting Zenny to basically afford the EZA. Chain Battle is starting next week. Oh, thank God. I was really scared Chain Battle was going to happen right now. Chain Battle is happening next week. So we have some time for that. The 50 special summon is now basically able to be done. And that's pretty much it. So there is no word yet on the Goku Black Rose LR. If you guys saw my recent video, then you know that there is such a thing that's going to be happening, but it hasn't been announced in game yet.
And that is because come next week, we will get a data download and with that we will get the confirmation of it. And then all of that stuff will follow next week. So if there's any remaining content that needs to drop, it will happen at that time. Until then, we have all of this to hold on to. So if we were to quickly. . . Actually, you know what? Instead of me doing a count of how many stones we're going to be getting, our very own Monado did that for us. So let me actually switch over and show you.
This is kind of an approximation for how many stones we're going to be getting during this part three. So part three missions, 15 stones. Dismal Future Red Zone, the URZ gives 21 stones. Wait, why 21? Oh, right. All the missions. Yeah. Divine Wrath Mortal Will gives us 42 stones. Goku Black, Extremesy Battle gives us 34. Search of Light and Hope gives you five. I mean, this is, you know, this is being done daily. So it's. . . Wait, no, this is the story event. I was thinking of the daily one. My bad. This is the story event. That gives you seven.
Future Trunks Saga, that gives you three. Extremesy Area gives you three for the missions. Extremesy Battle, Extremesy Area for the Android. Cell Saga gives you three. And then the Support Memory Boost gives you only seven. I thought it was a little bit more than that. So all in all, you're getting 135. This does not factor in like daily missions. This doesn't factor in daily logins. This also doesn't even factor in the Hope Campaign rewards that we just got. That was like 20 stones. So if you want to add another 20, that would be 155.
So you could say easily over 150 stones at least will be available during this celebration with everything else that's included, like the, you know, the login and all that stuff. So there you have it. That's a good bunch of stones for you guys to get ready for whatever celebration is coming up beyond the worldwide download. And if you guys are maybe thinking about doing some more summons on the current banners, the Carnival banners, the DOKON Festival banners, well, these stones might be able to help you do just that. But that's it. Let's move on to all of the content. Guys, thank you so much for watching.
If you enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like down below. Comment in the comments with 140. We'll just say 140. With 140 stones that you add to your count, what does your total stone count become now? Let me know your overall count in the comments down below. And if you're going to be summoning more on the worldwide download banners. Also, be sure to subscribe for more DOKON content in the future and click the notification bell so that you'll be the first to know you want to see more of my stuff. Do it! Thanks again. Stay tuned and argumentative DOKON responsibly. .