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Okay, hi all. So I'm here today to share another word from Yishu Hamashiach which I received last night. So that would have been 24th of March at 20 past 11 last night and it's called, Many are Called but Few are Chosen and just before I do, it's just been laid in my heart to share this book. Now I don't know if anyone's ever heard of it, The Pilgrim's Progress, which is written by John Bunyan. This was written in the 17th century and it was a dream that he had about the Christian journey and amazing book. I've read the book but there's also a visual representation so there's a Christian movie.
I'll leave it in the description box. It's very, very good to watch and it's good for children too and it just, it really puts into perspective the Christian journey and that it's not an intellectual exercise, it's about a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. So it's about coming from the mind and bringing them into our hearts and you'll see why with the word that I'm about to share with you in a minute and then I've just got a few more things that the Holy Spirit has laid in my heart to share afterwards and so here's the word. So write these words that I tell you, daughter.
They are my selfish virgins who only ever think of themselves. Yes, they will be saved if they call on my name during the Great Tribulation, but many will fall away thinking themselves not deserving of the judgment, deeming themselves perfect in all their ways and not even recognising their own pride and evil ways. They are the same as the Pharisees, hypocrites, who do not repent when called to do so. They will still look to others to save them and not to me. It's all down to foolish pride and laziness. You need to come to me, children, yourselves. Only I can save you.
Get into your word daily and be washed clean with the washing of my living waters. Time is no more and so, so many of my children have not picked up the mantle and so few are chosen, but many have been called. They have no excuse. They have been warned and warned by my messengers and now the door is truly shutting. Tell them, daughter, time is no more and they must put down this world and that means everything now. What's more important to you than me and the offer of eternal life? Is it money? Is it your jobs? Is it your health? Is it your children? Is it your holidays? It is all self.
What are you not getting when I tell you that time is no more? There will not be time when the door is finally shut. You will go through the Great Tribulation to be refined. This time of tribulation is my mercy and grace. Many won't even see it as that and will be wroth with me and with you, my wise virgins and 144,000. But again, a small amount of them will come to me in that time. The many souls being saved will make up the unbelievers who have been blinded by the devil but now they see and when much is forgiven of them, then much they will love me.
And truly many souls will be saved and become part of my bride before my second coming and the resurrection occurs. But the foolish virgins right now and the ones that believe on me and only call on me with their lips but their hearts are far from me, these are the ones most in danger of eternal damnation and many of you will fall away. If you hear this message today and you are the one that is left behind, know this. I called you and I warned you but you did not heed this warning to give me your heart and to come to me to be filled with my spirit. And know this.
I called you and I warned you and I love you and it's out of my mercy and grace that you go through the refiner's fire, through the great tribulation. Do not turn away during this time. I warn you now today. If that will be you that hears this message today, as for my wise virgins, you are ready. You always heed these warnings and you are always quick to repent of your ways. You love me with all of your heart and you are praying for your brethren, for you have a heart for my people, for you know now that you are all family and will be spending an eternity together and with me.
So my 144,000 and my first fruits of the bride, yes remnant within a remnant is right. I come back soon. Be ready. Yeshua hamashiach, captain of the guard, holy one of Israel and lover of all your souls. Shalom. And I'll put the scriptures underneath in the description box that go with this word for your confirmation. Please pray about these words and take them to the Lord in your own prayer time. And so everyone right now is being warned and the Lord will always give a warning before anything happens. And so this is a warning today and a message to the people that are going to be left behind.
Do not fall away during that time. If you're left and you're not part of the 144,000 and you go through great tribulation, do not fall away. This is eternal, eternal consequences now for your soul. But we are to get right now with our Lord. And so the reason for the the Holy Spirit's like laid in my heart now to share with regards to going from mind to heart, I receive an awful lot of emails and I spent a good eight hours yesterday of all my day just going through everyone's emails. And what I've noticed is, you know, we have a lot of questions, all of us have questions right now, all of us do.
But it's been it's been shown to me that reading the word is not an intellectual exercise. It's not about getting things right. It's not about knowing absolutely everything that is coming, because the Lord is revealing everything to us in his perfect timing. He doesn't want us to know everything in one go. He's revealing to us in his perfect timing. Yes, I you know, I get into prayer and I have the same questions as you all. But if this is just your focus, and that is the only reason why you're getting in the word, is to study the word to find out what's happening, then you're missing missing the point of the word.
You need to come from here into your heart. The reason for reading the word is so we get to know the Father's heart. We get to know our King, our Lord and Saviour's heart. We get to know how we have a heart for others. We get to know we're being instructed. It's Father God's loving instructions for us and for us to be able to have a heart for our God, have a heart for our brethren. It's a heart matter. It is not an intellectual exercise. And so no, I'm not saying we don't study.
We absolutely get in the word and we read it and we examine it and we study it. But we do this from the heart, not from the mind. It's not an intellectual exercise. We pray and we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all truth to us. And again, I say these words, but we are to sit there and be quiet and be still and hear his still small voice and get into the heart of the matter. And this is when the Holy Spirit will start to reveal stuff to us. It's when it's not about knowledge or it's not about wanting to know something that the next person doesn't.
It's not about wanting to know all these so-called mysteries of the word. And that's Gnosticism. When we have a true heart for our Father and we're reading the word because we want to know him, we want to know our Father's heart. We're reading the word because we want to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We want to know our Yeshua Hamashiach. We want to know his heart. Only then will things start to be revealed to us. But if it's just an intellectual exercise and if you're just staying up there, you're not bringing it into your heart, then you will remain carnal.
This is what it is to be carnal and you will remain on milk and you won't be coming onto meat. And so this is another reason as well. I get sent a lot of links, a lot of links to YouTube, other YouTube channels, other YouTube studies. I get sent an awful lot of people's studies for me to read. I don't have the time. Please don't send me these. I appreciate the time that you are sending and I appreciate that you've thought about me to send them.
My time is spent in the word with the Holy Spirit and then I'm only led by the Holy Spirit if he wants me to research anything or look into anything else. I'm only ever Holy Spirit led. My time cannot be spent and this goes for all of you guys as well. Our times should not be spent in other people's studies because that's your oil. That's the oil that you've received and it's not to say that your studies are not correct. That's not why I'm not reading them. It's saying that that's the oil that you received. I cannot then take from your oil because I won't be filled up myself.
So for all of us we need to be getting into the word ourselves and being topped up ourselves. Asking the Holy Spirit please fill me to overflowing and reveal things to me. Yes, I think we're in an age where information is at our fingertips and we can get it very quickly but with the Holy Spirit it takes time. It takes time and so and we're not going to know everything. We have this expectation that we should know everything that's coming right now and I'm the same. I've been rebuked so many times for being impatient. I am certainly impatient and I want to know and I have the same questions as you guys.
I do but right now it's so so important to get in your word and come from the heart. It's a heart matter. The whole book, it's a loving instructions. It's the love of our Father that is the whole of his word. It's the Father God's heart to ours. That's what it is and that's what we need to be doing right now. And so just to say as well, I know a lot of you are being attacked. I am too by the enemy and he's really ramping it up right now. This is also a test of our faith.
When we are in affliction, who do we turn to when we're at our most desperate? Who do we turn to? One thing a lot of people are doing is blaming God in their moments and we are not to. The will of the Father is that he loves us. If we are going through trials and tribulations, then we are living in a fallen world and we need to understand this. Does God always allow it? Well it depends on how many open doors we have in our lives. If we still have sin in our lives, we have free will. So everything that happens happens to us. It's not because God is punishing us.
That is the wrong way to look about this. And so when we're going through our trials and tribulations and we're all going through the refiner's fire right now, we turn to our God. We keep the love of our Father God in our hearts because he loves us. Never take your eyes off our Lord Jesus Christ. Never take your eyes off our Yeshua Hamashiach, for he loves us. He died for us and so his blood is sufficient. And we need to have a relationship now. So, so important. It doesn't matter about how many things we do for him. It doesn't matter about the knowledge that we have. It really doesn't.
He wants our heart. That's what he wants in this hour, right now and no more delay. And so I will just read out as well, just wanted to read out the scripture and it's Mark 4 16 to 17. So this is talking about the the sower that sows the seeds and the field is the world and the seeds are the wood that are being sown. And so Mark 4 16 to 17.
And these are they likewise which are sown, which are sown on stony ground, who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness and have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time afterward afterward when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake immediately they are offended. And so the Holy Spirit wanted me to read this out because this is what's going to happen in the falling away. The foolish virgins right now but the the seed was sown on stony ground and it's it's remained as stone and that's the issue.
Their hearts they don't have any roots in their hearts and they still they remain up here you know intellectually they know Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God but they haven't they haven't had their stony ground, they haven't had it fallowed, they haven't brought the meaning of the word into their hearts at all, it's just remained up there and so and so they've heard it and receive it with gladness and this is the thing with the the Sikh friendly churches and the loudest in church right now you know they they are all just friendly to each other I mean I call it false friendliness personally and they're all happy to hear that they're going to be saved but there's no repentance and they just remain a stony heart nothing nothing changes within them they get no roots and so when the time of affliction comes and it's coming soon the affliction and the persecution arises and already in the world this persecution is just here in some of the western world it hasn't completely reached us yet but it is it's on the doorstep now and so when this affliction or persecution arises for the word sake immediately they are they are offended and that is what's going to happen so right now a lot of us are going through this persecution and affliction and the refiner's fire and it's a test of our faith and so do we still have a stony heart or have have we got heart for our father so where is your heart at you need to look at your heart right now this is what it means to examine yourselves but you don't examine your heart without without our savior with you and again this is the other word the other day if you want to go back and listen to that he's talking about self-assessment but don't do it alone you do it with him you do it with our father god you ask him to search our hearts it's a heart matter everything and so trust in our lord trust in our lord and his love for us and again we do this by reading his word and his truths and i think that was everything you wanted me to cover yeah that is everything you wanted me to cover so it's um yeah just make sure that it goes from you from your mind if you're still um reading the word and wanting to have all this knowledge and wanting you know the the biggest mystery the mystery of the gospel is our lord and savior is our lord and savior jesus christ he's the he's the big revelation the whole of the book of revelation is is about our yishu hamasheach you know this is the biggest mystery but people are still digging into the word wanting all these the secret knowledge these secret mysteries no that the biggest mystery is our yishu hamasheach our savior our lord and savior he's the big revelation and people are missing it they're missing him they're missing father's heart they're missing our lord and savior's heart okay so i hope this helps i hope this is a blessing and i love you all and i hope you have a good day okay goodbye.