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Thanks for watching. You would say something optimistic, my colleague tells me, pointing out that we need more and more hope, and it is not in these expectations of individuality. It is easy to say, say something optimistic. How to find optimism when you can see that this war in the east is not a fire that is extinguishing, but a fire that is burning. That a huge wave of the east is coming at us, there is also a wave of crime that we are already observing, because more and more Ukrainian gangs are taking over what has so far been reserved, in other words, for the crime of Poland.
You can see that this crime is not a flood, which is drawing from Ukraine, but dramatically speeding up. How to say something optimistic in a situation when we have a guaranteed migration pact, because Donald Tusk has guaranteed us that since 2026 we will have hundreds of thousands of so-called engineers and doctors here in Poland, and this is still the migration from the east and the migration from the south. How to say something optimistic in a situation when we have a dictator, Donald Tusk, who is really in a flash, the Polish state is not investing and Tusk will not be for sure.
You can clearly see that Poles are getting poorer, you can clearly see that this loop is tightening around us, and how to look for something optimistic here. I always repeat, I will always stick to it, that there are, fortunately, such instances, there is such an instance, which opportunities do not even start where our opportunities end, so there is someone to refer to. I have already told you about this in my life, I have crossed this border of despair and hopelessness more than once and I have referred to this very instance.
This story, which readers and viewers of our program know, but not enough to remind when a person was really on the bottom, when a person is accused by the president of the Polish government, the head of the special services, his colleague Bondaryk, the head of the committee for the special services, who is now the head of the office of the prime minister Donald Tusk, Paweł Gras, when he is accused by dozens of officers of the special services, generalities, WSI, without help, without hope, because so-called friends have long been scattered, a person remains alone and remains, in fact, this last instance, that is, God, simply.
And then things really start to happen, amazing, if a person will take this instance, because in the course of this process, the wife of Colonel Tobiasz from WSI comes to court, of course, Tobiasz, not his wife from WSI, a colleague of Bronisław Komorowski, comes to close me for the sake of the grata, he is burdened with terrible things, but in the course of questions, under the pressure of these questions, he sticks out, speaking the common language completely, looking at me, he says, I'm sorry, sir, I wanted to do this for my dead husband and from the first of my accusers becomes my first defender, and all this happens in just one hour, when this person confesses everything he said and also her already dead husband was simply a lie, everything changes in the course of this one court room, gentlemen from TVN wave the camera, go out, never come back, this is what the turning point of the most difficult, most dramatic history of my life looked like, I remind you of it, because there are things in this world that Hollywood screenwriters would not have invented, when hopeless situations can change in one hour, and sometimes in one moment into a triumph of truth over lies, a triumph of what is simply honest, what is simply so false, and what the representative is today the world that rules Poland, so you have to look for this hope, you must not give up, because we never know what will happen tomorrow, there is really no tunnel at the end of which there would be no light and there is no night after which there would be no day, but in a human way, when we look at reality around us, it's really not easy for this optimism, events only from the last days, it was only yesterday, i.
the day before when I record this program for you, he is Canadian, she is also a Canadian citizen, a medical student, here in Poland 29 people with a knife in Krakow on Wawrzyńca street, a macabre crime, then the events are happening rapidly, in the hearing room, about a place where there is a technician, where there is a police team from the so-called unit, where there is a walker, this man enters the possession of a weapon, closes himself in a room, but before it happens, the supervisor who sees it, gives 10 shots in his direction, all of them are not target, in this closed room, the killer of his partner, who had previously been murdered, tattooed on the breasts, the word betrayed, there he closes himself and takes life, the public opinion asks how is it possible that such amateurism could happen in the police, just a few days earlier, another policeman kills his colleague at the service during the action, a policeman who then shows time, should never really hit the police, because he did not have the slightest predispositions or qualifications, but he hit the police and it went to tragedy, a few more weeks earlier, another policeman takes his life, and the day after these events, he takes his next life, you can say such a dramatic wave in the Polish police, where does this wave come from, because it turns out that we often talk to policemen who send us various data indicating the dramatic state of the Polish police, we have been talking about this for months, some people only wake up today and say yes, yes, there are no policemen, there are holidays in the police, please note that we are talking about this since the holidays, and even earlier, there were already over 2000 police holidays, today there are 3000, and in a moment there will be many more, because many policemen plan to retire after the new year, the so-called sector minimum in Prague is 9 patrols, meanwhile, 3 leave, the minimum time of realization when a notice is received under the slogan, this is 9 minutes in Warsaw, meanwhile, the implementation takes even a few dozen minutes, and when there is a regular notice and this normal time is 13 minutes for the police reaction, the situation sometimes happens that it waits from the evening hours to the early hours, which criminal will wait so many hours for the police to come, policemen do not come because they do not want to, but because they simply lack dramatically, you have to be aware of what it looks like, you also have to be aware of the pressure of the police, that the team that rules Poland today is not behind the police, besides, many actions are being carried out that really harm the police, policemen with whom we often talk say that they are really left alone, that the team that rules Poland today really does a lot to make the police weaker, as if someone was consciously acting in this direction, maybe that's exactly how it is, you have to ask yourself what Donald Tusk is talking about, policemen with whom we talk, not only those from Warsaw, but also those in other cities, although with those from Warsaw, of course, there is the most systematic contact, they tell us that today to find a left-wing policeman, you have to look for a light, that the police has become really very conservative, that even if there were those before who for some reason supported this government, that government that today destroys Poland, because it is difficult to say that it rules Poland, rather it destroys Poland, then they already see today that they were actually deceived, to find a left-wing policeman today, they say, you have to look for a light, we had one of our friends, she says to us, one of those who often visit us here, she says, but one conversation, the third one opened her eyes, she says, how could I not have seen it before, ladies and gentlemen, this is how it looks, so the police are not against Poland, we have to say it clearly, really, the police are doing what they can do today, they are trying to take care of the security of Poland, but how difficult it is to do it, when in fact the opportunities for even shooting training are being deprived, because standard, of course, in different cities it looks different, but standard, if a policeman does not spend money on his own money, he can participate in four shooting training sessions a year, during each of them he can give 18 shots.
Ladies and gentlemen, now such a policeman who has a problem with taking out a weapon, he has a few seconds, opposite him there is a regular criminal, the policeman must quickly, within a second, make a decision, whether he can take out a weapon, whether he should not give the warning shot earlier, because he may give it too early and go to sit alone, and opposite him there is a man who has no scruples, he gives the shot without any problem, and it is a target shot, because he is systematically trained on the shooting range, in fact not only on the shooting range, he was trained, for example, earlier in Ukraine in shooting people, he is really trained on this, and a policeman who goes to the shooting range four times a year, giving 18 shots each time, those who go to the shooting range know that it is really curious, because if you don't have at least a dozen bullets, it's a pity of your time, how does he have a chance of colliding with such a criminal? However, a huge wave of crime from Ukraine is coming at us, this is, of course, being blurred, because often these Ukrainian criminals are called today as Georgian, Moldovan, Czech criminals, exactly as on the boulevards of Vistlana, when they were said, the Georgians were ordered to sing Polish songs, pro-bandera songs, then Stanisław Żaryn, a spokesman, coordinator for special services, his deputy said that they were really Georgians, Georgian citizens, and everyone who says otherwise hits the friendship between Polish and Ukrainian nations.
Some Moldovan in Żaryn did not lie, but at the same time he lied very silently, because they were Georgian citizens, they had Georgian passports, but they were the same Georgians as I am, because a lot of Ukrainians escape before the war on Georgian passports, which were very easy to buy. In other words, they were just Ukrainian bandits who scared young Polish boys with knives, telling them to sing pro-bandera songs in the face of the threat of losing their lives. Meanwhile, Stanisław Żaryn did not lie that they were Georgians, no Georgians. And, ladies and gentlemen, this is how it is being blurred. A huge wave of crime from Ukraine is coming at us today.
We have data indicating that what seemed to be safe regions until recently, or where there was crime on such a, let's say, moderate level. Today, powerful criminal groups from Ukraine, especially in the areas of Grzeszów and Lublin, are entering, which was recently covered with something that was a kind of small crime. Powerful organized criminal groups from Ukraine are entering, saying that these are their regions and this wave is unfortunately spreading to the country. What the politicians are saying today is so very, you can say, wrong, because you will not hear about it on TV, because the glory of Ukraine, as some idiots say, saying that we are the servants of Ukraine, really believe in it.
So you can't talk about things like we're talking about here, we're just telling you the truth, which we have in front of the police, which are hidden from you. This huge wave of crime from Ukraine is slowly flooding the country. Today, every second crime in Warsaw is a crime, especially the most dangerous Ukrainian.
The police say that what is happening reminds us of the stories of our colleagues from the 90s, when various organized criminal groups were being held here, composed of Russian, Chechen or those who had fought before the war in Afghanistan and with whom it was very difficult to deal with, because they were indifferent people, cruel people, even the so-called Pruszkowska or Wołomińska mafia, they were just ordinary scouts. Today, the same thing is threatening us, only from the Ukrainian side.
And what is happening, ladies and gentlemen, in Ukraine? What is happening is what we wrote in the book, we wrote in the book, not our war, in the book, the zone of oppression, in the book, forbidden truth, in the book, the end of Poland, paid under the title, how much time we have left. We showed in these books that Ukraine has the same chance to win with Russia as Mexico, to win with the United States. Douglas McGregor said exactly about it in our book, the end of Poland, he used this example exactly. Ukraine has the same chance to defeat Russia as Mexico would defeat the United States.
Here are the words of Douglas McGregor, close colleague of Donald Trump, who gave us this speech in January, the book is published in March, and when Douglas McGregor says exactly how the next cycle of events in Ukraine will be. We described it all in the book, the end of Poland, you can check it very carefully. Everything is checked, as for Toyota. In other words, Ukraine is falling, Ukraine is a fallen state, Ukraine will be a state that will be really broken into various zones. Just a curiosity, you don't even have a clue, of course those who don't drive there, how much investment is being made today in the vicinity of Lviv.
In other words, there are such zones where military operations are taking place, and there are such zones that can be said to be blooming, completely as if it were prepared for something or for someone. And here we come to the situation we talked about, we described the situation under the name, under the cryptonym or without the cryptonym, the Nebian and Jerusalem or the Polin.
Because today a lot is happening in the Middle East, Israel is doing absolutely everything to provoke Iran to war, before Iran will have weapons, the ABC probably already has it, but we don't know what the possibilities of using this weapon are, Israel knows about it and is doing absolutely everything to mobilize the United States, its biggest ally, to attack Iran. But Americans don't want to beat me, they know well that it's not Iraq, Iran is above all a hill and a mountain, 80% of this area is a hill and a mountain, it is not easy to beat this country there, as it was done with Iraq.
The only possibility is a rocket attack, but here, in turn, Iran has one of the largest rocket resources in the world, if the national attack goes to the other side, hundreds, maybe even thousands of rockets, and on one or two, even if two, it will be placed with an atomic weapon, it can be a really big problem, and what happens in Israel is called the Dr. Samson, it will have to be implemented, because as small as Israel, it can disappear in a flash, and here it will be about teleporting parts of this nation to other safe places, and here we are reaching the vision of the Polin.
Of course, some people say that the Iron Dome will stop it, it will not stop, there is no such Iron Dome in the world that would stop a powerful attack on the world, consisting of hundreds, maybe even thousands of rockets, so a lot is happening in the Middle East, there are also millions of people who are no longer on the roof of their heads, Israel is very concerned, in other words, to murder the Palestinian population, they even murder small children, they call it a grass-cutting, we cut the grass so that it does not grow, if there were such situations outside of Israel, in any other country in the world, if any other country outside of Israel did such things, it would be covered with world infamy, but unfortunately it goes away to Israel, and all this connects with it, because today we are one great global village, it connects with what we have here in our reality, so Ukraine is a country that will actually be broken into several zones, we showed you that Russia wants to reach the Dnieper line, and the other part, the Kiev one, and further to the west, to settle for themselves, leaving this last part, well, it is not known who and what for, because it is known that if it comes to what we wrote, what we said that the threat to the field vision is absolutely real, and it is not allowed to bagatellize it in any way, that basically every American politician who comes to Poland says, they have not paid yet, you have to pay, you have to do enough, because if you want to be treated as a serious democratic country, if you want to be treated as a serious ally, then you have to get rid of it, it reminds you of that, Antony Blinken reminds you of that, and other American politicians, Antony Blinken always reminds you of this, he does not live without it, he is a Jew and he will always remember it, he is similar to many other American politicians, but unfortunately it looks like there is no such president in the United States, and I think that it will be called Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, who could be against the Jews, Douglas McGregor, after all, Donald Trump's close colleague, tells us in the book The End of Poland, that the American Congress is the territory occupied by the state of Israel, of course, much closer to Trump, because here we have at least some hope, Kamala Harris would have concreted the system of genderism, pseudo-ecology, green power, migration without borders, fighting everything that refers to our values, culture, traditions, identity, she would have spread on an even larger scale, murdering children, calling it abortion, after all, during her election meetings, there were mobile abortion clinics around, where you could murder unborn children, if such a person ruled the United States, it would be messed up, Donald Trump at least has a chance, at least it is a light at the end of a very long tunnel, of course, it is not the American president, as some, Polish as some believe, it is the American president, who is supposed to protect the interests of the United States, however, it happens that it happened during the first term, it may happen during the next term, that some of these interests will at least play a role in what is good for Poland, and if it happens, then here is our chance.
So those who asked about this hope, well, this hope is, so to speak, ignoring the last, highest instance, that is, our boss, all bosses, God's God, simply, here, in a human way, this hope comes to us from the West, from the ocean, because today it is clearly visible that something is happening in Germany, maybe there it will come to power AFD, short-term it is our ally, because those AFD say the same thing, as I say in this program, about the so-called green power, about genderism, pseudo-ecology, migration without borders, well, long-term it is not our ally, because the people themselves, being in Berlin, with longing, look at the ancient East Germany, saying that the Germans have united, but not yet the whole Germany, so they look at our Western lands.
In other words, short-term AFD, it can be our ally, long-term, not necessarily. On the one hand, you can say that something good is happening, on the other hand, the Germans are always Germans, and we must remember about it, we must not forget about it, certainly not with our history. So there is really a lot going on, there are a lot of these threats, we started with what is happening in Ukraine.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ukraine is really an element in which we must perceive a bit like in a reflected vision, because William Barst, who is now the head of CIA, and was recently the American ambassador in Moscow, when he wrote in these secret articles about the zone of oppression, exactly using this formula, the state of the zone of oppression, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and, attention, Poland, this is the theater of future, potential, potential, challenges. From the point of view of the far-away United States, it may sound good, safe, from the point of view of the inhabitants of the zone of oppression, who, of course, as inhabitants of the zone of oppression, must feel uncomfortable, it really doesn't sound good.
So we have a lot of these threats, really a lot, we started with the police, basically, from the details to the general, because this detail is what you will observe, basically you are already observing, because unfortunately this crime is spreading on a growing scale, but it all connects.
We are seeing that micro-growing phenomena of crime, behind which huge organized criminal groups from Ukraine are going, and before which the so-called white smugglers, that is, pseudo-businessmen, Ukrainians who are buying out Polish companies, and in a moment, if Ukraine starts to collapse, and it starts to collapse, we are threatened with another flood of Ukrainian migrants, maybe there will be hundreds of thousands of them, maybe there will be millions of them, again, they will be unverified, so in our eyes, we can say, this black scenario is getting worse, when more and more Ukrainians will come to Poland, migrants will come from the west, those who were sent by Donald Tusk signing the Migration Pact, these are already laws, as I said, decrees, this cannot be changed, by any other government, because it can only be changed by the legislator, so the European Union can change it, but in fact we could change it by leaving the European Union, but it is not that simple, it is a very difficult, complicated process.
We can do it in this situation, in the face of all these threats, threats coming to us in the East war, this crazy migration from the West, which was founded by Donald Tusk, in a situation when we have a dictator here, who is doing German interests, that is, Donald Tusk and the consortium, we described the history, the attitude of these people in the book of the border, who they are, it was later established, when we showed, based on the documents of the Zamoj and Lublin Procuratorate, when these people, who infiltrated Poland here, some of them went to work together and show how these idiots, these morons, who were used by Donald Tusk, and the rest of this dirty society, saying that they are poor people, and today Donald Tusk, of course, does not remember this, he never said that, he says that you have to defend the borders, I just hope that you will not get into the next smooth words of this slug, this fox, guarding the henhouse, because if you do, it means that we only deserved Donald Tusk and no one else.
So we have these threats really a lot.
This coming, accelerating war in the east, this criminalization organized, flowing from Ukraine, this migration that will flood us, unfortunately, it seems so humanly wise, in these situations we really have a lot, and even if we had, we have little, we have a pro-German dictator in Poland, who is a state that really kills all possible development points, from the CPC, through Atom, through everything else, today, many of those with whom we talked before, and who were not quite sure, even said that in fact maybe Donald Tusk will bring something good, they were such, because someone finally chose this man, today I'm starting to look them in the eye, it's a pity that so late, saying what we did best, what can be done in this situation, I'm going back to the first point under the title, what can we do in this situation, well, we can, it's never like that, that we can't do anything, we can start from this, to choose a pro-Polish president, it is not easy, because, well, those candidates who are today on the market, I guess they do not meet the requirements many of you, because it really is, I think that if someone looks at Trzaskowski, looks at his fanatic tone, some say, well, he speaks four languages, the problem is that there is nothing to say in any, look at this man, look at all his behavior from the past, we will give him a lot of space in our next publication, about Mr.
Trzaskowski, this publication is already at the beginning of the year, because we have a lot of capital information on him, I hope that many Poles will open their eyes to it, so on the one hand we have Trzaskowski, on the other hand we have Karol Nawolski, a man whom I personally met when he was still the director of the World War II museum, we came by name, he said a lot then, because his fate was in vain, as an eventual candidate for the head of the National Institute of Memory, if I were to become the head of the IPN, it would be Jedwabne, of course, let's take care of Jedwabne, the case of priest Popiełuszki, the most loud, most mysterious weapon of the PLL, in which the documents are in the IPN, of course, it will all be revealed, when he was already the head of the IPN and I visited him twice, it did not come without difficulty, because suddenly he impregnated himself in some way, but he managed to meet, he changed the narration a little, how difficult it is, and I have tied my hands, who ties your hands, I ask, these are very complicated matters, in other words, a total change of narration, so I ask, is really Karol Nawrodski, are you ready to fulfill what you promised, that is, show the whole truth, the most loud, most mysterious weapon of the PLL, what was the murder of priest Popiełuszki, here on the margin, we show you in the book, I will tell you how he died, documents from the investigation, classified before you, where we show what Andrzej Witkowski and the whole group of people supporting this indomitable, brave man, my friend, who will be here in our bookshop Pogożelisko, it will be on the 11th of December, from 15 to 18 o'clock, Andrzej Witkowski is waiting here with me on the open day, then we go together to the Algera Contra on Chłodna Street in Warsaw, so I asked, well, the answer was so smooth, basically nothing, not saying, I will ask about it, Karol Nawrodski is today a candidate for president, maybe, as some people say, the one who would have a chance to stop Trzaskowski, ladies and gentlemen, I do not want to refer to it at this point, we had our candidate, you know, we as the Polish defense movement, we had a certain vision, a vision based on the construction of a certain base, a base that would be a suburb, a small part of the Polish patriots, those people who have conservative views, but who do not have their representatives because they were to a certain level strongly disappointed by the governments who ruled before Donald Tusk, they were looking for someone who would be a controller, a supervisor, possibly a partner in the future government for the right to justice, because it is no longer allowed to allow the gentlemen of the PIS to rule as they used to rule, it cannot be repeated, they are just disappointed, on many levels, not often can he talk about it, I have said many times that this profession was huge, because I am a man who has said that in fact Donald helped very much, sorry, to Mr.
Komorowski, in his departure from the presidency and in the victory of Andrzej Duda, I say this as a former candidate for the right to justice, that unfortunately on many levels you were very disappointed and what happened in the COVID era and what happened in the Polish-Jewish relations when you fell before the Jews on your knees and what happened in the relations Polish-Ukrainian when you brought your attitude to many bridges too far crossed to the fact that Ukrainians actually treat us today as their servants, unfortunately there were these mistakes very many, regarding the enterprises of New Poland, the so-called New Polish Order, there was a lot of it, really, not to mention the gigantic multi-millionary abuses, even crime, with which only people from the citizens' platform could equal, there was really a lot of it, too much for people who expected honest, really right-wing governments, of course I never said, I never will say, peace, peace and one evil, because the differences were diametral and everyone sees it today, however, they should never rule on their own, the universal government is disavowing, this is what I was talking about, the Stanford experiment, when students were randomly divided psychology into two equal groups, basically an eagle and a rege, you can be a guard, you can be a prisoner, as well as I could be a prisoner, and you a guard, or vice versa, and when this experiment was supposed to last two weeks, you are under the influence of the camera, but no one is coming to you, you are under the influence of the camera, but no one is coming to you, behave like a prisoner and you like a guard, after four days, everyone was fed up with it, because the guards were so involved, that they almost tormented some of these prisoners, you have to stop it, gentlemen from Zimbardo, who were the authors of this experiment, they are authors of great psychological books, on which I studied as a student of psychology, they had already answered the question they wanted to have, is there a kind of gene in each of us, a kind of evil, I say that it is, that we all play our great battle every day, this is probably the biggest battle, when we every day, in each of us, a fight is fought between good and evil, we make good decisions, we make bad decisions, we make them hundreds of times a day, even often not realizing whether I am doing well, against this strange person, a friend or a family member, whether I am supposed to cause harm, or not cause harm, and no one knows about it, whether conscience will allow me to do so, we fight these battles every day, everyday battles between good and evil, and this is probably the biggest and most important battle of our lives, and this question was asked to them very often, is a person who is deprived of external control, who actually has omnipotence, maybe they found a brake somewhere, it turned out that not necessarily, that these normal people, colleagues of those who became so-called prisoners, these guards, behaved in a very cruel way towards them, this experiment had to be interrupted after 4 days, why? Because the omnipotence unfortunately disavows, and the omnipotence does not allow it, and therefore we cannot allow anyone, even PiS, to have omnipotent rulers, he should have a supervisor, at least a equal partner, who will look at his hands and will never allow the evil, which was in the previous government, to return, these good things that were, should be doubled, and the evil that was, should be definitely destroyed, and should never be returned, but to do so, you have to have a second leg on a widely understood right, made up of patriots, of conservatives, and we took up this attempt, to build something like this, as part of the Poles' defense movement, we still believe that it is possible, unfortunately, we did not succeed, with professor Andrzej Nowak, who behaved as he behaved, let's leave it, we talked about it, during the previous program, we are going further, because there are really many of them, we started from what you said, at the conference, a conference dedicated to education, so-called education, because it is difficult to call this sexualization of our children, education, when these crazy people, who today rule Poland, want to introduce us to these gendery, idiotism, morons, under the name of some kind of health education, and this is not any health education, you have to be aware that it is distributed on all objects, two dads have three non-binary children, two moms have one non-binary child, how many times do these two wonderful families have? How many times do these two wonderful families have? For example, for children from the first grade of elementary school, how can you carry out this doctrine of stupidity, of satanism, because it is difficult to call it otherwise, pour it into the heads of small children, from a young age, this is what awaits us, if we do not stop it, here, the digression, a wonderful event, Saturday, when thousands of Poles went to the Zamkowy Square in Warsaw, I was one of them, my heart really grew, you show that it concerns you, that it matters, that Poland is important to us, our children are important to us, because they really go for our children, we have to stop it, we have to stop it, after we organized these conferences, we will go further, we will present economic programs, also regarding security, we also want to take up the broad propaganda of science, shooting on the shooting range, really a lot of events that we are planning for next year as part of the Polish Defense Movement, because it is possible, in fact, thanks to the fact that we will be together, we also have some specific actions prepared for the construction of a broad strategy, when it comes to the political field, but I will tell you about this in the next program, in the next meeting, because we also had here, here in our library, a meeting with a very important group of people, representatives of the Polish world of politics, this meeting will have its continuation on December 14, and then on December 14 we will present to you the effect of this meeting, I think it will be an effect for many of you, surprising, but positively surprising, I believe in it deeply, satisfying, so let's do our best, let's go forward, we wrote for you this autumn two, in my opinion, important books, the border, who are they, and later, I will tell you how the book died, where we reveal documents about the most mysterious mystery, the most mysterious crime of the PLL, which was the murder of priest Popiełuszka, some may ask, well, what does it matter today in the context of these tragic events that are around us, please, our roots, our identity, our history, this is what I told you, if we do not follow this type of case, we do not follow the roots, we put aside the historical policy, as unfortunately some politicians who talk about themselves as patriots, there was no such thing as in Jedwabne, where we have our place, here again, the digression, thank you for supporting us in your actions regarding Jedwabne, where we already have our territory, but we humbly ask for more, if you happen to be there in the Jedwabne area, you can already see that we brought there on such a large platform on which tanks are being brought, multi-ton guazas, these guazas are already there, to these guazas will be attached tables, where in four languages there will be information about the history of Polish-Jewish relations, because it was not rumored that we were here at the beginning of the millennium, we were still on trees, and the Jews brought us culture, one great rumor came to us in the Middle Ages, because they were burned on the Stoss in Germany and Spain, here are people, tolerant people, who allowed them to cultivate their culture, this identity, tradition, they were beautiful and later thanked us, stabbing a knife in the back, basically on every occasion, which only happened, and so unfortunately it is to this day, so we will show there, you, the real history of Polish-Jewish relations on this our, your, in fact, the land in Jedwabne, where there will be great events this year, there will also be a monument of memory, a place called the land does not lie, these are the words of our friend professor Małgorzata Group, who made the first exclamation in Jedwabne, she led this exclamation, unfortunately interrupted by the pressure of Shudlich by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Poland, fatal mistake of the future president of Poland, until today, not fixed, all our actions in Jedwabne serve and are going to fix this mistake, because if we lead to exclamations, I will end up talking about the Poles, Nazis, because what I said to you, it's not only about Jedwabne, it is an element that shows a larger whole, the whole American youth, Canadian, also increasingly European, learned from what happened in Jedwabne, in such a spirit, you will not go to a place where the Nazis murdered Jews, go to one place, go to Jedwabne and there you will see what the Poles all this time did to Jews, how they murdered them in the barns, and therefore if we take this bragging history about supposedly Polish criminals in Jedwabne, we will show that it was a German crime, and Jews use it instrumentally to get from us billions of damage, growth, but also if we are not able to pay them, to get what they call polin, because if you do not have what to pay for, it takes away your property, so here it is about the land, about the ownership transformation and it all connects with each other, these events where in the east of Ukraine there is a war, and in the west investments grow like mushrooms after the rain, and what is happening is the danger related to the Middle East, the eventual start of Dr.
Samson, when Israel is to answer to everyone what is possible, but just to teleport later to a safe place, and here we reach the vision of polin, so it all connects with each other, you have to connect these dots, you have to see these bubbles in a wider scale, not as torn elements, but as a target layout, which is just put together, shows a full picture, so all this is in front of us, all this fight, but we will go through this fight together, today in Jedwabne a lot is happening, in a moment even more will happen, that's why I always have the courage to ask for your support, because we never took money from the corrupt politicians, like many so-called pseudo-journalists, who serve politicians really by the way, in a moment you will be shown in a new cover, where there will be many new programs, where you will see that it is not that we have stopped in place, we are preparing a new distribution on new rules, I believe deeply in the fact that everything good before this television, but of course under the assumption that you will support us, that if these words that we direct to you, these books that we write to you, these actions that we take, like in Jedwabne, these historical policies, but of course having a great influence on our here and now, that all this is important to you, it matters, I deeply believe that you will also support Polonika TV, because only thanks to you, our television can develop.
Many of these actions are ahead of us, in the near future we have a number of meetings, I have already said about one, on December 11th here, in our Pogożelisko bookstore, we have a recording meeting with Leszek Rzebrowski, then there will be Andrzej Witkowski, and then directly after our recording, another meeting with Andrzej Witkowski, the prosecutor who conducted the case, twice the death of priest Popiełuszki, our friend, from 1 p. m. to 1 p. m. to 1 p. m. here in Pogożelisko, on Krasiński street, 67, local U2, we are waiting for you at the pre-Christmas cake, where we will be with Andrzej answer your questions, where we will be in such a camera atmosphere, where we will be able to talk about what is important to you, and later at 6. 30 p.
m. we will go to the Gehre Contra restaurant, with a pre-lecture, which will also be broadcast, but I invite you to Pogożelisko, on Krasiński street, where in a unique, colorful atmosphere we can meet and talk to you. The day after this meeting, so December 12th, in Gorządziej, in the sanctuary of St. Wojciech Kołodrzewa, I have a meeting with you, at 6 p. m.
in Gorządziej, where I will also talk about what is important to you, what matters, about the dangers around us, about the dangers related to migration, and of course about the mystery of the trash of the priest Popiuszka, 34-year-old slander that has been going on to this day, to this day, there is no doubt, we will not let this matter go, we will bring it to an end, this is what you promise, that as long as life, as long as we will fight for this matter, because this is simply your property, and who deserves more the danger, if we can say so, the dictatorship, the annual dictatorship of Donald Tusk, and where, based on hard data, not to give a clear vision, but based on hard data, we will present to you all the dangers that are coming to us in the near future, so on the one hand, summarizing the passing year, and on the other hand, showing what unfortunately is coming to us and what is threatening us.
Next days, December 18th, 19th, again we meet in the Pogożylisko-Krasiński library, 67, local U2, on Dwudzionek, Dwudzionek, that is, from 14 o'clock to 20 o'clock, I am here for you with guests, very interesting guests, but who, let me tell you, will be some kind of surprise, there would be no surprises if he said at this moment, what kind of guests they will be, from 14 o'clock to 18 o'clock, 18-19 December, we are waiting here for you in Warsaw-Krasiński, 67, local U2, and at the end, although in fact, it should be said at the beginning, because I am recording this, our meeting today, we have Friday, and tomorrow, so in fact, I hope that you will be able to watch this program on Saturday from 9 o'clock, December 7th, to 20 o'clock, maybe with a little break, somewhere in the middle of the day, an hour, I am waiting for you in the former Garnison Club, currently it is called Avant Garde in Krakow, where together with Witek Gadowski we will participate in the Kiermasz organized by him, December 7th, from the hour, I will be here from about 10 o'clock, 10.
30, but Kiermasz begins from 9 o'clock to 20 o'clock, around 10.
30 I will also participate in this Krakow Kiermasz, so there will be a lot of these meetings in the near future, later, from January, we have a lot of work to do, we have already registered the Poles Association, which believes that this year, in 2025, will belong to the Poles Defense Movement, will belong simply to the Poles, because if we manage to choose a president who will be the representative of Polish affairs, then we will be able to chase the dictatorship of Donald Tusk, I am convinced that we will have earlier elections, this evil coalition will not survive, ladies and gentlemen, there is no evil that would not be overcome by good, the sooner we get rid of these poisons, the better, we have a lot of work to do to make it work, but we will do this work together, I believe deeply that if we are together, we will be able to do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, in the history of Christianity, there have been many such situations when they were asked what borders should be defended, priest Jerzy Popiełuszko answered that in fact borders should be defended, we must defend the truth simply to the very end, even if it will require the highest sacrifice.
I am deeply convinced that we have a very difficult time, but I am also deeply convinced that this time will have a good point, so if we started from where to look for the basis for optimism, then I think that we must on the one hand look for them in our actions, we must not be poor, do your part without looking at the end, and I repeat, it is very important that we do not fall into the spirit when we see that this system of evil is very strong, that there is really a lot of work ahead of us, it's a bit like we were walking on a big, big mountain, we really do not see it because it is almost covered in fog, but let's go step by step, maybe let's look at the short distances that we have to overcome, we will overcome them step by step, precisely in this spirit, do your part without looking at the end, we will overcome, ladies and gentlemen, we will reach the very top, and as I said at the beginning, there will be someone here who will not even start where our so in human terms end, which will not let us, of course, to do part of our work as it should be.
Thank you for this meeting today, see you soon in all the places we talked about and also in the next programs soon in the new Polonica TV cover. See you soon, God bless you. you.
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