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Bakund training for unique in�v漂 Mireshv Vi vil prøve å forstå ut tilbake til EU-dokatet, særlig i kontekstet med innovasjon og innovasjon, som i grunn av projektene fra EU-fondasjonen skal finnas. I stedet vil jeg fortelle dere, hvor man kan kjenne mer informasjoner om EU-fondasjoner og hvordan å bruke dem. Vi har startet en ny seksjon på GJP-dieneket, ny og ikke ny, fordi den kommer cyklisk. Den heter EU-fondasjoner praktisk. I seksjonen publikerer vi i torsdag, i dodatning til min firma, og hver død av tød, artikuler, der vi forteller hvilke former for finansiering, hvordan å bruke dem og søke informasjon. ordet er tilppelig til mine добр 2020 god undhuksčekenses & og informere om hvilke muligheter å bruke europees fund. Det webinariet er første som kommer i juli.
Det vil være, som jeg har sagt, skattet for innovatøyne projekter. Men i juli, i to typer av tider, planerer vi en ny webinar, som vil omfattes med hjelp av mjøde, og mjøde i to utsikringer. Først de som har problemer på arbejdet, og det er svært å finne seg i vennet. Og på den anden side de som har veldig stor visshet, særlig i nye teknologier, som har innoveringssynner, og vil starte de firma, men som ikke er tilbakelige til å gjøre det selv. Nålige temaer vil være på vakasjonen. Her er de utsvittlende, presentasjonen er også utsvittlende, så jeg vil ikke utsvittla dem. I dags webinar er ekspertene personer som representerer institusjoner, som er livet med europees fund. Det første som kommer, er Patricia Zeszutek.
Hun representerer Ministeriet for Råd og Vendt. Det er et institus som regner hele europees fundene, som er utsvittlende til Polen, og koordinerer hele prosessen av dene dotasjonene. En ny person er Isabel Banaš, som representerer Polsk Agenciet for Råd og Vendt. Det er et institus som i mange år realiserer projekter for finansiering av forventninger, spesiellt innovatøyne. Men som tredje er det Pani Kamila Kuleska. Hun representerer Masoviske Unis for utsvittlende projekter. Hun representerer også en uansettig høyde av alle programene, som er regionalne programer. De er alle fordelt for en eneste regjering og er for å forvente denne regionen. Og som første, vil jeg begynne med Patricia. Goddag, veldig takk. Jeg vil gi informasjonen om utsvittlende instrumenter for fortidige og mindre fordelinger i en innoveringsdivisjon.
Jeg vil prøve å samle med denne sektoren i vårt land. Polen er stadig i gruppen av såværdige fordelinger for innovatøyne på 24. stedet for innovatøyne i Nusselberg i 2015. Det er Bulgaria, Romunia, Litva og Latva. Vi begynner med å begynne med å begynne med innovatøyne. Vi har mye til å gjøre. Vi har identifisert i vårt land seks polske firmer, som kan vi nævne som championer. Men nå vet vi at det er stor potensial å generere en stor del sånne firmer, som vi kan stå på i verden, som ville ha en viktig vant til i den internationale fordelingen. Men 13% av MSP-fisker innvender innovasjon. I stedet for innovatøyne er det 31% og kun 5% av exporten har innovatøyne.
Vendt på beklager B plus 0 er et stort forståel som viser forståelsen av innovatøyne i byen. Vendt på B plus 0 er mindre enn 1% av PKB. Men vi har stor potensial i sektoren. 99,8% av MSP-fisker er for genereret 2 tredje i PKB og satt 70% av de. Men det er fortsatt fordøyde firmer med nævne koste og ikke større innoveringskvalitet. Det er data som er for å forstå en diagnos som Polske Rådspoliet har hørt til å skjønne planer, strategier, og strategier, som vi vet fra medier om planen for en større innoveringskvalitet av Mr. Morawiecki, som har visst at en av filarene av planen vil være innoveringskvaliteten av firmaer med konkreta instrumenter. Det vil være en impuls for dere om å forstå denne sektoren.
Vi er ikke nødvendige for at det stadig er grunnlig og bedømt for å finansere innoveringskvaliteten, også i grunn av de strategiske dokumentene, programene og kluse projektene som er foregående, vil være fundasjoner unie, som Polsken har fått i stor valg, for å ta i år 2014-2020. Nasen jobb er å bruke dem effektivt. Vi skal skjønne på å tilføje denne hjelp, for å gå inn i det med innoveringsprøver, og skjønne på bransjer som er klart klart klarte i Polsken. Faktisk de som kan bli kjempioner. Det er de som kan få tilgjengelig intelligente spetsialisering. Vi har 20 spetsialiseringer, men i grunn av de kraftforsvillige spetsialiseringene vil det være klart klarte bransjer, og alle programene, som er kvart kraftforsvillige, vil være stort sett på de bransjerne.
Det er kvart kvart, jeg tror, det er de som er større i utviklingen, milliarder euro i grunn av operasjonen Intelligenten Rozwøy, som er på nødvendig grad den mest viktigste instrumenten for at spørre om innoveringsprøver, er 186 milliarder euro til å få tilgjengelig. Det er også Polsken og regjordalne programer. Unis om å spørre om innoveringsprøver, er støtter som spør på å stjere innnovering fra utviklingen av å prøve prototyper på pilotasjoner, og å spørre om innoveringsprøver, og om å spørre om innoveringsprøver. I skjønner vil jeg gi dere i skjønner samme program Intelligenten Rozwøy for å forberede. Der kan man finne mye instrumentmødige og forberedelser, og det er også mange opgående for store opgaver.
Men i disse opgaver, selv om de må konkurrere med store og store firmaer, så har de eneste bonus og eneste prøver, som er for å finnas mer, og de har også prøver for å være eneste og eneste. 8 miljarder euro, så mye er det i programet, og det er for å få innnovering. Vi foresvared omkring 12 000 forberedelser som er støttet i programet. Det er ikke mye i skala av land, men jeg må utvise at konkursen organiseret i Miseriet for Rovøy for å alloke milliarder zlotter, ble utløst av 260 projekter. De ble størst utløst på miljarder, fremst 600 milliarder zlotter.
Så den nødvendige stedene, den nødvendige stedene av forberedelser, er bare utløst fra hvilke valderer projekter, og regler, projekter om forberedelser, projekter som er risikosvendige, er også kostnader. Hva betyr det for forberedelser? Først og fremst vil jeg presentere programet, jeg vil se strukturen, og jeg foresvare at alle kan forberede seg, hvilken etapp er deres forberedelser, og om de trenger hjelp på den etappen, og om de trenger, og jeg vil søke på hvor de kan kjenne hjelp. Jeg vil også søke på hvilken hjelp jeg kan kjenne hjelp. Det er derfor jeg vil se på denne presentasjonen. Som jeg har sagt i begynningen, programet Intelligenten Rostsvend er så skonstruert, at det faktisk forbereder alle etappene for innoveringsgrunnighet. Det er instrument for start-up, som er nye utviklinger, som kan generere firma.
Det er instrument for samme arbeidskap i de samme firma, og jeg vil se her at man kan utvise den samme arbeidskap på mange måter. Det er instrument for firma for å forberede seg for å innføre forforskninger for arbeidskap, samme investeringer for å innføre forforskninger for arbeidskap, og forforskninger for at innføre, hvis firma kommer til et etapp for innoveringsgrunnighet, så er det et etapp for innoveringsgrunnighet, som kan betale for forforskninger for det programet. Om det kommer til start-up, så er det i programet Intelligenten Rostsvend er ikke utviklet instrument for finans, instrument for innoveringsgrunnighet. Det er i programet starter, business, fundus for innoveringsgrunnighet, for innoveringsgrunnighet, for start-up, for capital funding, for small and medium-sized enterprises, for the development of the company, for the stage for capital funding.
For business, for the funding for so-called financial vehicles, for private investors, for business angels, for small and medium-sized companies, for capital funding. For the funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, for the investment of the small and medium-sized company, for capital funding or business angels. For the development of research and development, the company can get funding for the purchase of a single scientific instrument. It is called Bonn for innovation. Please remember this slogan. It is available in the Polish Agency for Development and Enterprise. The instrument for companies that do not want to organize research and development activities in their own structures, have a certain problem. They have research, they need to develop their products, services.
Such research and development services, purchased from scientific research, will serve to develop this product. They can get funding. It is quite significant funding. For small enterprises, it is 80% of the cost of qualification. The value of such projects can reach 400 000 zł. This is a unit action in the scope of research and development activities. When an enterprise thinks about conducting research and development work in its own structures, it can get funding for a specific research and development project. In the National Research and Development Centre, there is a wide range of instruments in this area. I think the most important thing is to point out that the basic research and development work is supported.
In the case of basic research, you can get up to 70% funding. The costs of funding research and development personnel are also financed. However, if you think about a permanent structure, a laboratory, research centre, research and development department in your company's structure, then the action is available, which is directly implemented by the Minister of Development in the Innovation Department, which I represent. I encourage you to use this support. You can get funding for investment in the creation of such research and development centre and we finance both real estate and real estate procurement. The work is built on the purchase of sustainable, non-material and legal means.
Within these geocentres, you can conduct research on your own needs, on the needs of the capital group or to test research and development services for external objects. This is a work in which large companies are also supported, but small and medium-sized companies are significantly rewarded. First of all, the first issue is the amount of funding. The motto of the Regional Aid Map means that different regions can be financed depending on the location and size of the company. Small and medium-sized enterprises receive bonuses, i. e. kvartalisering, for example in the Lubelska district. Small companies can get 50% of the funding plus 20% of the funding, i. e. 70% of the kvartalisering costs in this activity.
First of all, what are the factors of success in this activity? Apart from the fact that we are building a research and development centre, it would be good to present to experts, panelists an ambitious research and development agenda. It would be good to declare the deposits for research and development activities, because these centres should serve companies after they are built for conducting research and development, i. e. also to apply deposits for B plus R activities. Within these centres, new jobs for B plus R employees with higher education will be created. The status of MSP is an additional five points in the company ranking, so here is another bonus for MSP, that you can compete in this activity with large enterprises.
Cooperation with scientific units is very important. POIR is tasked with connecting business with science and within such criteria for individual activities, there are such premium initiatives. In addition, the memberhood is rated as a key national cluster. I presented such key criteria, which are needed to count on funding in this activity. One more recruitment will be launched on July 29 this year. I encourage you to get to know each other. I will finally post an internet page, in which all the applications for recruitment are published. Another stage of research and development activities in a company that provides funding for which the Operational and Intelligence Development Program provides, is the possibility of getting funding for services, such as business institutions.
Such institutions are selected and accredited by the Ministry of Development. This choice is to ensure that services are of high quality. An entrepreneur who needs support, for example in the field of technology transfer, needs some advice, will be able to get funding by using the services of these accredited institutions. POIR also provides funding for the protection of industrial property. The use of industrial products. Finally, the stage of research and development activities. In this area, there are instruments for research on the market, which my colleague from the Polish Agency for Research and Development will tell you about. I will focus on two instruments available by the National Economic Bank. These instruments are strictly for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
I think they are very attractive. The first one is the loan for technological investments. Funding for this activity is a maximum of 6 million zł. You can get it for implementing new technology, understood as implementing research and development results or the law of industrial property. Funding is not a typical donation, it is not a refund of qualified costs. It is a payment of a part of the commercial loan. So the commercial banks that study the state's credit ability and the risk of the project take part in this instrument. They give loans on market conditions.
By trying to finance the BGK, you will be able to get a part of the capital of this loan and this payment can be 70% of the project's qualified costs. In addition, you can get a 50% refund for financing in the range of experts from the concept of technical projects implementing a given technology. What are the most important factors of success to get support in this activity? First of all, implementing innovative technology, at least in the country, is studied by panel of experts. Technology should be, what is important in the form of the law of industrial property, the results of research and development, the implementation of this technology should show the market potential of the project's result, i. e.
products created within the framework of the implementation of technology should show the market potential and the readiness to implement the project of the beneficiary is studied. The second instrument is created in the Bank of the Land and Agriculture, which will be created in a moment, because now there is still a pilot from the previous program, implemented in the guarantee fund, within which the entrepreneur is not directly funded, but can get a loan in the banks that cooperate with the BGK within the guarantee fund and this entrepreneur's loan is guaranteed by the BGK, by the funds from the Intelligent Development Programme, i. e.
80% of the capital of the loan and within the loan you can finance product innovation, technological, marketing and organizational, the condition is to use innovative own or acquired solutions. So if you are not interested in a donation or a return instrument, here the possibility is, and your situation makes the banks have a low desire to risk the investment of the project, you can run away with such a guarantee, the adoption of such a loan with a guarantee from the BGK. And the last stage is the implementation. Within this instrument spectrum, it is available for promotion of Polish product brands, i. e. enterprises from specific industries considered to be export projects can get funding to promote their products abroad.
And the second element is that you can also finance services for the preparation of documents for the entry into a New Connect type of stock exchange, a stock exchange of valuable paper. So if you are interested in this stage, then also available instruments will be in the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development or are already launched or will be launched in a moment. I recommend that you look at the website poir. gov.
pl, it is a compendium about this program, all the rules, support, also all the sets are announced there, there is a hormone list of sets available, the rules of support in particular sets are published, the criteria for selecting projects are published, but also the results of the selection of projects are published and there you can get full information. Thank you for your attention. Thank you very much. The next speech was to be made by the National Research and Development Centre representative. Unfortunately, this institution is currently in the process of the implementation of competitions and implementing projects. It turned out that it will not be possible to reach such a person.
Therefore, I will allow myself to say three words about the activities that are available by the National Research and Development Centre. And now yes, the National Research and Development Centre, in general, as the name suggests, is an institution that focuses on financing and supporting other ways of such projects, which are strictly related to research and development activities and with the implementation of such research in enterprises. The point is primarily to encourage cooperation of the National Research and Development Centre representatives and business representatives, so that they can achieve the effect of the innovation of the entire economy, i. e. to translate the effects of the work of scientists into real benefits and products that are available on the market.
The philosophy of the National Research and Development Centre closes in four short words. Firstly, to observe the challenges of civilisation. Secondly, to strengthen the synergy of business and science. Thirdly, to minimise formal requirements. At this point, I will stop because minimising formal requirements is a general trend when it comes to European funds. It is used in many ways, in comparison to the experience of the first beneficiaries. For sure, it is much easier at the moment, but the National Research and Development Centre has used indeed very far-reaching simplifications and also accelerated the whole process of assessing the conclusions. The fourth slogan is to award private funds.
In each kind of funding, it is required that the project be co-financed partially from the funds of its own. Here, Patrycja Zeszutek mentioned about these levels of funding, which means that the remaining difference of up to 100% should always be financed by the entrepreneur who is implementing the project. The funds for financing are the maximum that can be given. However, if the involvement of private funds is at least at this level or even more significant, it is also awarded, because it shows that the company is convinced of its project and wants to invest in it as much as possible. The activities that are financed within the framework of the National Research and Development Centre are primarily financing the research used and supporting commercialisation of the research.
In addition, international cooperation, the development of young scientists, as well as a separate part of research on the defence and security of our country. When it comes to the development of young scientists, there is also a certain pressure on them to take this science out of the walls of the university and to open the doors for people who are interested in the research and who are interested in it. The research that is being done by the National Research and Development Centre will be available to about 5. 5 billion people at the level of the research used by the university. The research that is being done by the National Research and Development Centre will be available to about 5.
5 billion people at the level of the research used by the university. The research that is being done by the National Research and Development Centre will be available to about 5. 5 billion people at the level of the research used by the university. The research that is being done by the National Research and Development Centre is the program called the Quick Path. It does not involve bicycle or pedestrian paths at all, but the name comes from the fact that the procedures are maximally simplified and the whole assessment of the project from the moment of the conclusion to the moment of decision on whether it will be funded, lasts only 60 days.
The funding in the context of this operation is awarded for the implementation of research and development work in companies that cooperate with research and development units or other institutions related to science and jointly develop some new innovative solutions that can be used in the company and transferred to the market as innovative products or services. Apart from this operation, the National Research and Development Centre also performs less famous programs, which also support the transfer of research and development results to the economy, but not necessarily implemented directly in the company. For example, the Demonstrator program is a support for the transfer to business, such research results that were created at universities or in scientific units. The sector programs, i. e.
industry programs, are also funded, which are to contribute to the promotion of innovation in the specific sectors of our economy. These sectors have been selected not by accident, but on the basis of analysis of the potential that is in our economy and in these areas support is provided. It is directed at entrepreneurs and also at the consortium of enterprises. These programs have been mentioned on this slide. I will not read them all here. You can do it now or at the end of this presentation. However, as you can see, they are concerned with specific industries, the industry of particular branches. Another type of support are application projects. These are projects that are implemented strictly by consortium.
In these consortiums, scientific units should participate and at least one entrepreneur can be more. This is a brief presentation of what the National Research and Development Center offers. Now, Isobela Baneś will present the actions implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Good morning. Welcome. I would like to bring you two selected actions. The first of them is action 3. 2. 1 implemented as part of the Operational Intelligence Development Programme. The name of this action is Research on the Market. And maybe at the beginning a few basic information. This action is intended for investment projects, relatively large. Therefore, there is also a relatively large allocation.
Please look that the allocation of this action is over a billion euros. Every year we carry out competitions. At the moment, there will be a second competition that is already announced. You can already make a proposal for funding. The allocation for this competition is allocated at the level of a billion zlotys. When it comes to funding, you can get funding at a maximum of 20 million zlotys. As I said, most of this support will be for investment. However, you can also get additional support for the part of the funding for development projects. Here you can get a maximum of 450 thousand zlotys. And for advice you can get 500 thousand zlotys.
What is important here is that these are large projects. The minimum value of the qualified costs of such a project is up to 10 million zlotys. These funds can be obtained by investment projects. But such investments are associated with commercial implementation of research and development projects. The condition here is that the results of research and development projects, which are the basis of such implementation, are developed in projects carried out by the grantors. So it cannot be that the grantor buys some results of B plus R and then wants to implement them in this operation. This operation is for entrepreneurs who conduct research projects, and we want to help them implement research and development projects on the market.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, there is one more condition. The effect of such actions must be to introduce it to the product market. A product that is innovative, at least on the scale of the country. Of course, when we talk about a product, we mean both goods and services. The qualified costs in this operation are very broad. You have probably already noticed that you can finance both investment expenses, research expenses and expenses associated with the grant. So if we talk about this investment part, then of course the cost of investment in the actual active and non-material and legal value will be included.
So you can purchase real estate, either built or not built, robots built, all machines and devices, all licenses, patents, know-how, which are necessary for implementing research and development projects. What you have to remember is that the costs associated with the acquisition of real estate and construction works are no more than 20% of all costs for support. If we talk about research, then here the costs of experimental development projects are qualified. It is very important to remember that the results of research and development projects that an entrepreneur is to have at the beginning, applying for this support, they must be at such a level that it is possible to make decisions about investment in order to implement them.
So the research projects that we can finance here are really some additional research projects needed to make a final prototype or to test a test batch. These are the kinds of costs. As I said, as part of the project, you can also get funding for advice. Of course, it must be advice acquired by third parties, by external advisors and not related to the company's current activities. As I said, we have the second competition in this project. The first was announced in 2015. What I would like to draw your attention to is the change in criteria. Last year a relatively large number of projects did not fit into the rules of action and were in effect negatively assessed.
We wanted to develop these criteria so that the investors could see who can really try to finance it. So what has been changed, two new formal criteria have been introduced. Please note that we are addressing this action to such investors who have a certain history. They have been operating on the market for at least 12 months, i. e. they have one year of closed turnover. And in at least one of the last three years of turnover they have gained income from sales no less than one million zlotys.
Additionally, because we have had a lot of projects where the results of work B plus R were not satisfactory, did not fit into commercial implementation, we introduced a second criterion that imposes the obligation to have inventions or user models, either patented or registered for protection in the case of a user model, as well as with the protection already obtained or those that have been registered for protection. And the second action is a program implemented within the Polish East Program. I think it is a very interesting action, because it is the first one that supports model making in a very complex way. Operation 1. 4, model for competition.
Because this action is implemented within the Polish East Program, it is addressed to entrepreneurs who will implement projects within the framework of five provinces, namely the provinces of Warnisk-Mazur, Lubelsk, Podlask, Kielec and Podkarpack. This action consists of two stages. In the first stage, the entrepreneur can get support for conducting a model audit, i. e. for conducting such a diagnosis in the company in relation to model making. In the second stage, the second stage is addressed only to entrepreneurs who will successfully pass stage one. And when the entrepreneur has already developed such a model audit and the recommended recommendations for such an audit will be able to apply for support for the implementation of such audit actions.
Since there are quite difficult definitions of model audit and model strategy, I would like to briefly tell you what we understand by these definitions. These definitions have actually been implemented, have been established for the needs of our operation and we see that there are problems with understanding them on the market. So if we talk about a model audit, we are actually talking about such a diagnosis of entrepreneurs in relation to potential and model needs. The result of such a model audit must be the model strategy. The audit includes a number of company activities.
Of course, the audit is done within the scope of model making, but it actually includes both analysis of the product offer of the company, business model, technology, organizational structure, communication processes, marketing strategy, competitors, clients, analysis of the needs of the beneficiary in the management area of the model and analysis of how the model could be used to fully satisfy the needs of the entrepreneur. If we talk about the model strategy, then within this operation we are thinking about the report created after conducting such a model audit. Of course, such a report must include all the elements that were diagnosed within the model audit.
The most important thing, however, is that it includes recommendations of actions that are to be carried out in order for the company to improve its competitiveness through model operations. And here, ladies and gentlemen, the allocation for this operation is over 144 million euros. We also try to organize at least one competition every year within the first stage. When it comes to the second stage, then here, actually, this set will be continued. Every entrepreneur who finishes the project successfully in the first stage will be able to smoothly move on to the implementation of the second stage.
Allocation for individual stages, here, ladies and gentlemen, for the first stage, it is 5 million zlotys, for the second stage 150 million zlotys. Of course, these allocations differ so much in terms of quantity, because the support at the first stage is relatively low in comparison with what can be obtained at the second stage. Therefore, for the very implementation of the audit, the entrepreneur can get a maximum of 100,000 zlotys and this is really a quota that will help you implement an audit of a real event for good specialists on the market. If we talk about the second stage, then here, of course, various actions will be implemented.
First of all, there will be advisory actions related to the preparation of model projects, but also with the development of, I don't know, changes in marketing strategy or with the change in the company's visualization. However, if the project will involve introducing new products, also here understood, of course, as goods and services, then the entrepreneur will also be able to, within the framework of these qualified costs, to consider the means of operation of machines and devices. Here there is no possibility of obtaining support for real estate, there is no possibility of obtaining support for construction robots.
Nevertheless, if this is necessary, then the entrepreneur, in order to implement a new product on the market, will also be able to obtain support for the means of operation, i. e. machines and devices in this case. The support is addressed to micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, as I said, from Poland East. What is very important here is that the entrepreneur must make a choice of the implementer of such a model audit before the moment of the start of the preparation of the application for funding and the application. Therefore, we also give relatively long dates for preparing such applications.
We plan to announce the second competition in July this year, the selection of applications will be until the end of October, so I think you still have a lot of time to choose potential auditors. It is very important to consciously choose such auditors, because only good implementation of such an audit will guarantee that its effects will be good and will be profitable for the company. The potential of the implementer is also verified at the stage of assessment of the application. As I said, the condition for running for support in the second stage is the implementation and completion of the first stage and the acceptance of the model strategy.
The operation is addressed to micro, medium-sized entrepreneurs from Poland East, but there are additional conditions, so we want entrepreneurs who have a history of their activity, and there is also a condition for entrepreneurs who have at least one closed year of turnover. There is a condition for such an entrepreneur to have income in one of the last three closed years of turnover, at least at the level of 600,000 zł, to employ at least five people. Here we are talking about the full stages in the calculation for the last closed turnover year. And of course, such an entrepreneur must have the appropriate area to introduce changes. As I said, we are planning to announce the competition in July 2016.
The period of the application will be held in September and October. And when it comes to the application for the second stage, the competition is still being announced. In the first stage, these projects are only being implemented at this moment, so we think that in autumn we will have the first projects in the second stage. But also the state, when it comes to the first stage, should be aware that the second stage will be open to you all the time. There will also be no problem with waiting for the announcement of the competition, because the competition in the second stage will be available to you all the time. And that's all from my side.
I thank you very much. All information about these activities is available on the website of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Thank you. I thank you too. The next person will be the lady representing the Mazovian Union for the implementation of EU projects. She will present the possible forms of support in the Mazovian program. But as I mentioned at the beginning, it is also moderately informative on what can be expected in regional programs. They differ among themselves. In some regions, for example, the donations are directed to some special conditions.
For example, in the Armenian-Mazurian region, there is a program about the economy related to the fact that it is a land and lake, and that it is possible to develop this industry. However, such types of support as in the Mazovian Voivodeship actually repeat themselves in other regions. Before I ask you, Kamila, the participants have already asked us a few questions. I think it is worth mentioning at least one of them.
Namely, is there a possibility to finance the purchase of construction equipment for a company operating in the construction industry if the purchase allows to expand the range of services offered? I think this question most represents the change that has been made in relation to the previous financial perspective, when it was possible to finance such investments from irreversible donations, which contributed only to the innovation of the company itself, which made such an investment. However, during this period, there have been some changes. I don't know if any of you would like to comment on this. Above all, we want to invest in such innovative projects.
When we talk about investments, we want them to be investments related to the implementation of research and development projects. Why such a decision? First of all, because these are the most risky projects and because entrepreneurs cannot get support from them in commercial institutions. The role of the state is to stimulate the implementation of research projects and also to enable entrepreneurs to implement such B plus R projects. However, when it comes to such typical investment projects related to the purchase of additional machines and devices, it is easy to get external funding for such projects on the market. Therefore, there is no need to support such projects from public funds.
The National Programme does not offer support for simple investments in the replacement of the machine park or in the experience of services. This component B plus R must be either in the form of the implementation of research and development projects itself or in the implementation of research and development projects. As for the regional level, we will hear in a moment about the possibility of financing such a project. In any case, I ask you, Kamila. I welcome you very warmly. The title of the small correction represents an institution called the Mazovian Union of the Implementation of Programmes. The name is indeed quite complicated, but there is a small difference in the name you said.
The Mazovian Union is an institution called by the government of the Voivodesk Regis to implement the regional programme of the Mazovian Union. In addition to all processes related to implementation, i. e. we really start from the moment of announcing the competition, then we make assessment of the application, we calculate the project and monitor its durability. In addition, our institution also carries out training and promotion missions on the European Funds in the territory of the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis. In addition to the current period of promotion, we are also going to participate in partnership projects, projects carried out as a beneficiary of own and partnership projects, for example on the European level.
The title of such a small correction, when it comes to the past period of programming, in this area of support for innovation and entrepreneurship, we have invested over 1200 projects, for a amount of close to 2 billion zlotys. It should be emphasized that 90% of these projects, i. e. over 1100 projects, were enterprise projects. We also carried out several dozen projects of scientific institutions and universities that rely on the support of this research and development area. When it comes to the new period of programming, it will be 2 billion zlotys for innovation and entrepreneurship in the territory of the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis.
The amounts are slightly lower than those that the ladies provided, and of course they are not as dominant as in the national programs. It should be emphasized, however, that it is one of 16 operational programs, also dedicated only to the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis. Moreover, the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis, due to its calculation for the so-called highly developed regions, has been limited. In the new period of programming, apart from investing in research and development infrastructure, we will encourage entrepreneurs to cooperate with the science sector, to have the opportunity to show their products in the international arena, and also to have the opportunity after the implementation of research and development projects, to introduce products and services that will be the result of these projects.
For entrepreneurs themselves, the amount of 1. 5 billion zlotys from allocations for innovation and entrepreneurship. Here, the novelty in the framework of the operational program of the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis is that we decided to focus on the areas of intelligence specialization that the Mazovian Voivodesk Regis highlighted. As in the country, it seems that we currently have about 20 countries of intelligence specialization. In the Mazovian region, we selected four areas. High quality of life, safe food, intelligent management systems and modern services for business. What does it mean for the applicants? By describing, preparing for our project, it is necessary to consider whether our project is included in some of the mentioned areas.
To make it easier for the country, we selected over 50 areas of prioritative research, in which you can verify whether our project has the opportunity to be included in some of the intelligent specializations of the Mazovian region. As for the competitions we are currently holding, we have been conducting continuous competitions since December last year in the Bona Innovation Competition. To complement what Ms. Bartytsja said, it is the same competition as the one held at the national level. Of course, due to the possibility of allocation, the amounts are slightly smaller. We assumed that for start-ups it would be 50,000 zlotys for entrepreneurs working above two years on the market. It is an amount of 100,000 zlotys.
In addition to the mentioned possibilities of implementing one-time missions of research and development projects, we hope to encourage entrepreneurs to establish contact, to establish cooperation with the world of science. We note that in the passing period of programming there were quite a few problems with establishing this cooperation. We hope that this type of instrument will allow entrepreneurs to establish this cooperation. Secondly, on the basis of this cooperation, we hope that it will be encouraged to implement a larger research and development project. We are a bit late because yesterday we finished the first set of research and development projects in the Soviet Union. We allocated the amount of about 130 million zlotys for this purpose.
The latest information says that more than 190 applications were allocated to the amount of three times the available allocation. We are very happy that the competition is of great interest and because we did not allocate the whole allocation, we will repeat this type of competition next year. As part of the competition, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to apply for a quota of 500,000 zlotys to 5 million qualified costs. It is easy to notice that the Mazovian Voivodesk decided to demarcate with projects at the national level. These are projects of slightly lower value. This year we are planning to hold a few more competitions in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation with a quota of 250 million zlotys.
We are planning to hold six competitions. When it comes to increasing the scope of research and development, in October of this year we will allocate a quota of over 80 million zlotys for the creation and development of research and development. In October we will allocate 20 million zlotys for experimental research and development. It is worth to stop for a moment because this is the only competition in the field of B plus R, which does not have the obligation to apply for the so-called intelligent specialisation. Our plan for this competition is to find new, unregulated areas in which the Mazovian Voivodesk can specialize.
In addition, in June we will announce a competition for internationalisation of enterprises, competition for the possibility of holding fairs and foreign missions, the possibility of establishing international cooperation and the implementation of trade contracts. In August we will start with the second edition of BONU, BONU for advice, i ulikheten med konkursen, vi vil ha mulighet til å realisere en advis i form av marketing, of the book, i form av hjelp for the functioning of the company. I November of this year, over 60 million zlotys for competition, which is a continuation of competition in the framework of action 1. 5, from the passing period of the programing.
Here entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to enter the market as a result of B plus R work, they will have the opportunity to invest their enterprises in the form of identifying the needs that exist on the research and development level, in order to raise the competitiveness of their company. Maybe I will refer to the question that has been asked, I will allow myself to agree with the ladies, the new period of programing is to mainly serve to finance high-risk investments, those that are difficult for entrepreneurs to make a decision to invest in a process that we do not know the results of, and which is risky for the enterprise itself, but can affect the competitiveness of the company.
That is why answering the question whether it is possible to finance the construction equipment, it is difficult for me to imagine that an entrepreneur could enter some intelligent specialization and prove that the research and development process that has been carried out requires the purchase of simple construction equipment. Nevertheless, I would not focus on the industry, but rather on what research and development problems are in front of a given entrepreneur and what equipment is possibly needed to solve this problem. So here, in November this year, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to invest in financing in order to improve this, or machine park, or some other kind of investment that could lead to the introduction of a new, or more innovative service or product.
And this year we will close the competition also for internationalization. This time not enterprises, but a group of entrepreneurs, so also the possibility of grouping entrepreneurs in similar industries in order to gain new trading opportunities outside the country. We invite you to visit the Fundus for Mazovia, also on the website mazovia. eu. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I would like to end by addressing one more question that our participants have asked. Namely, where can we observe case studies of projects already implemented? Although we are already in 2016, these competitions for entrepreneurs have not really started for a long time.
Therefore, we will not find descriptions of projects already implemented, especially as you have said, these projects will be much more complicated than a simple machine purchase and certainly deployed in time. However, this does not mean that there is no way at all to look at and read about projects that have so far been implemented thanks to the European Fund and maybe be inspired or see how these regulations and restrictions are then applied to reality. The Ministry of Development is conducting a portal that contains all information about European Funds. The address of this portal is quite simple, fundusheuropejskie. gov. pl. From this portal you can go or log in directly through a separate address to the so-called map of EU projects.
This address is mapadotacji. gov. pl and there are at least several dozen thousand projects that have been implemented so far. There is a very clear division into sectors, into different types of funding and it is certainly a very interesting knowledge base that can be used as inspiration. And when it comes to the answer to the question, the remaining questions are very specialized. They are about, among others, programs implemented by the National Research and Development Centre. Unfortunately, the person from this institution could not participate today. We will try to answer these questions by the occasion of the next texts that we will publish within this cycle of European Funds practically.
This is also an interesting hint as to what specific things you are interested in and we will certainly try to find and include such answers in these materials. However, for today, I think we have exhausted the topic, we have exhausted the questions of the participants. I would like to thank you and invite you to read our cycle and also to visit the websites of the institutions that are associated with the implementation of the European Funds. There is already a lot of very detailed information there. All the dates, announcements of the contests, specific amounts that can be used to run, advisors, documents. It is also certainly a knowledge base for people who would like to use the donation. Thank you very much.
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