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Snowman, plan of action. First we will reach Domaszków. Maybe we will find something on the map. Where is the snowman? Oh no, it's not on the map. There it is. So yes, first we go to Domaszków. We land here somewhere at the station. Then we go by bike to Domaszków. And then by bike, bike, bike to Międzygórze. From Międzygórze. From Międzygórze by the red trail. This way, this way, this way. Snowman. Soon we will see. Snowman direction. We start in Domaszków. We go to Międzygórze and from there to the snowman. We ride a bike. Snowman street. There are few cars here, so we can ride calmly.
From Domaszków I got to Międzygórze and from there to the snowman. By bike from Domaszków to Międzygórze, we ride uphill. But it's worth it. The view is great. You can get here by car. And from Międzygórze. We are in Międzygórze. The main street leads to the trail. It's very long. The main road. From the main road we start the trail. We will go by the red trail. It's empty here. If you want to rest a bit, I recommend it. We are in the middle of the trail. The last parking. We start the trail. It's 30 degrees in Wrocław. I leave my bike here. We are in the middle of the trail.
It's very long. It's very long. It's very long. We are entering the forest. The trail is turning. It's empty. We have the trail. And we start. It's hard to see from the trail. The view is great. We are going back to the trail. We are under the sun. It's very cold. It's very cold. It's very cold. We have the snowmobile. It's 2. 14 pm. It's 4 pm. It's 4 pm. I'm close. It's 4 pm. It's 4 pm. It's 4 pm. It's 4 pm. We are going back to the trail. It's very cold. We are going back to the trail. It's very cold. We are going back to the trail. It's very cold.
It's very cold. .
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