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Today for the Bitcoin price and yes guys it is happening right now you are asking what the heck is happening I mean look into the Bitcoin chart and what maybe doesn't look so spectacular for you I want to tell you one thing we are exactly where we were talking on the MN Crypto channel for days and weeks where we will be and right now we are at a point which I can tell you this might be the beginning of the end and I'm positively speaking guys hear me out what we can see right now and by the way guys this is you can see it here down below it's a very short video if you like these very short videos on the sidelines as well give me feedback like the video comment share the video make noise for the algorithm as you've never made noise before I will be going into the analytics and see and of course be extremely grateful for all your support if you are commenting down below I will try to comment answer some of your comments if you are sharing that and I see it shared on Telegram on Twitter or something I will give you a like if I can see it of course only but I would truly appreciate that let's talk about Bitcoin I was actually posting if you subscribe to my MN Crypto Twitter channel at MN Crypto keep your eyes on Bitcoin right now because what you can see here is that I talked about the daily the weekly the monthly like I'm gonna talk about the yearly very soon but now on the daily we can see something magical unfolding something I've been talking about for quite some time now in terms of like a few days ago is this daily W pattern and I can tell you one thing breaking out from this daily W pattern will be a harbinger of what's to come afterwards breaking out from this daily W pattern is a requirement basically to start the last parabolic phase of the bull market which is about to come very very soon most likely and the question of course is what is the price target of that well before I show you that let me quickly enlighten you of course also what's happening on my trades the Bitcoin trade back at almost a hundred Bitcoin in a profit you can see seven million US dollars almost in profit together seven point five million US dollars all together we are almost back at the all time high on the profit on this trade the last really the last increase on the trade was literally at the US dollar bottom I like I don't even know like you can call it luck how I was getting that that was insane and here you can see that the price target of that breakout is somewhere around about the numbers of sixty seven thousand seven hundred US dollars and yes that would put a set a new all-time high nominally inflation adjusted it's not even an all-time high yet but not nominally in real terms but nominally it would be an all-time high the most important thing though is if we break sixty four thousand five hundred which is the point of interest of this horizontal resistance of the W pattern right now the moment we are breaking that on the daily candle with volume support and we reach the price level of that or the price target of that specific pattern that is also the moment we are most likely going to break the cup and handle pattern on the monthly candles if that is going to be broken at approximately seventy three thousand US dollars on a weekly candle with volume support I'm telling you champagne bottles for me it's water bottles but who cares and we can go and party because most likely the last parabolic phase of the Bitcoin bull market is going to start in that moment and as I already said I am expecting afterwards once we have these requirements fulfilled and checkmarked another six seven maximum eight month of parabolic bull market for towards the upside but this was what we were waiting for we are so close we didn't break yet so don't go on in wait for the daily candle to close with significant volume above sixty four thousand five hundred US dollars don't get too crazy before but I wanted to push that video before it actually happens thank you so much for watching guys we are going to see each other very soon at the next one of MN Crypto by the way if you want to be trading I want to leave this one here down below for you because it is actually back a thirty thousand US dollar bonus on buy bet is back all you have to do is I think it takes like 20 25 seconds click register deposit and after your initial deposit you can get up to 30,000 US dollars entry bonuses the goals the old old school people on this channel already know the bonus is now finally back click register and deposit down below if you're an experienced trader and as always guys as always bye bye.
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