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Hello everyone, I'm Christopher and today I'm going to teach you how to manually update your mods on your Nintendo Switch. So we're going to power off our Switch and remove the SD card and put it back into our computer. Okay, once we're on our computer, we're going to go to our PC and we're going to open up our Switch SD card. And you can see all our mods are currently here. So we're going to open up our internet browser and we're going to start with Hecate. We're going to download the latest version of Hecate. So we're going to scroll down. And you're going to want to download the zip file.
Once that's finished downloading, we're also going to download and update our Atmosphere. As you can see, it was released eight hours ago. So we're going to download Atmosphere 1. 6. 0. And we're going to download the zip file and the Fuse. bin file. If you've updated your Nintendo Switch's firmware, you're also going to have to update your SIG patches. So you're going to go to Sigma patches and you're going to download the updated SIG patches right here. Now that we have our downloads folder open, we're going to click on Atmosphere and we're just going to drag all the contents into our SD card.
It's going to ask us if we want to replace the files in the destination. We're going to select the S. So we're going to replace all our old files on our SD card. Now we're going to go back and we're going to do the same with the Hikate. We're going to drag the bootloader into our SD card. And again, we're going to replace the old files in our SD card. Okay, now wherever you have your old Hikate Fuse file, which you use to inject your Nintendo Switch, you're going to want to drag that into that folder and delete the old one. So for me, it's in a separate folder entirely.
So I'm going to delete 6. 0. 5 and I'm just going to drag the new one into that folder. Okay. Next, we're going to click on SIG patches in our download and we're just going to drag and drop these files into our SD card. It's going to ask us to replace and we're going to select yes. And now you're going to want to do Fuse. bin and you're going to open up your bootloader folder on your SD card. Select payloads and you're going to drag Fuse. bin into there and we're going to replace the old one.
Okay, so now we're done entirely with our SD card so we can eject it from our computer and put it back into our Nintendo Switch. You're going to want to set your Switch up for injection by using your RCM jig and connecting it to your computer again. Once your Switch is connected, we're going to open up Tegra RCM and we're going to want to select our payload and update that with the latest one that we just downloaded. So we're going to select this folder right here. And we're going to select the latest Hecate version, which is 6. 0. 6 in this video.
Okay, now that that's all selected and our Switch is ready to be injected, we're going to inject our Switch. And you'll see here that I'm now on 6. 0. 6. No longer 6. 0. 5. And I'm just going to launch my payload and select Fuse. And there you go. I am now running on the latest Atmosphere. And that's how you manually update your mods and your Nintendo Switch. It's pretty straightforward, a simple task to do. I prefer to do it this way instead of using the AIO updater in the Switch folder. I read in some forums that using the AIO updater can cause some problems with your mods.
So this is just a safer alternative in updating your mods. If you'd like to see a video on using the AIO updater, let me know in the comments down below and I'll show you guys how to update your mods using that. If this video has helped you guys out, please let me know down in the comments below and like and subscribe. Thanks. Take it easy. .
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