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In this video, I'm going to share with you the best chat GPT copywriting prompt that you can use to write persuasive copy within seconds. Now if you've tried other prompts in the past and they haven't really worked, or if you've found the copy to be generic or robotic sounding, this video is for you. And that's because you can use this one prompt to generate sales pages, Facebook ads, email promotions, literally any type of copy quickly and easily using chat GPT. So stick around until the end of the video because I'll be demonstrating exactly how to use this prompt with real life examples.
So the problem is that most people simply don't know how to write effective prompts for chat GPT. They'll open up the program and write something generic like, write an engaging copy for my skincare website. When you do this, you get a vague response like this. Welcome to our website. We offer the best skincare products. That copy is unlikely to persuade anyone to do anything. And that's because it lacks the seven essential ingredients that make an effective chat GPT copywriting prompt. Number one is length. You need to tell chat GPT how much copy you need it to generate.
Is it 500 words, a thousand words? If you're unsure about the length, you can always Google ideal length of a sales email or whatever it is that you want to write and Google will tell you. Number two is the type of copy. Is it a Facebook ad and the email campaign, a sales page? Be specific. Number three is the product or service. What exactly is the copy promoting? Number four is the target audience. Who are the ideal customers? Are they parents, business owners, plumbers? Number five is the tone of voice. Do you want the copy to be written in a professional or conversational tone of voice? Number six is the call to action.
What do you want people to do after reading your copy? Buy a product, request a free quote. Be specific here as well. Number seven is the key points to be included. Is there anything that you want chat GPT to mention in the copy? If so, be sure to mention those important points as well. Now when we combine all of those ingredients together, we create the perfect chat GPT copywriting prompt, which is write a length type of copy about product or service for target audience using a tone of voice. The call to action of the copy is the call to action. Make sure to highlight key points or features to include.
You can find the full prompt in the description below this video if you want to try it out for yourself. But before you do that, here's a couple of examples on how you can use this to write your own effective copy quickly and easily. For a Facebook ad, you would write a 150 word Facebook ad about our new line of eco-friendly kitchen products for environmentally conscious homeowners using a persuasive and enthusiastic tone. The call to action of the ad is to generate clicks to our product page. Make sure to highlight the sustainability of the materials and the stylish design of the products.
And here is how to use this chat GPT prompt to write an effective sales page. Write a 2000 word sales page for our online coding bootcamp targeting career changes using a professional and motivational tone. The call to action on the page is to sell enrollments in our bootcamp. Make sure to highlight the comprehensive curriculum, the success stories of past students and the potential career opportunities after completing the bootcamp. So go ahead and try it for yourself and feel free to share your results in the comments section below this video. I'd love to hear about how this chat GPT prompt has worked for you.
Thanks for watching this video and I look forward to seeing you in the next one. .