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Hello everyone, hey how's it going? It's me, John Oak Pie, back with another video. This one is the Shadow version of my kind of guides to sucking less at War of the Ring. If you've just stumbled across this video on YouTube, this is about War of the Ring the board game that we play online via this Java client. We've got a great Discord server, lots of very keen, very good players. The standard is excellent on there. And this guide is based on my experience of losing lots of games online and me taking notes on why I lost said games.
So it's going to be kind of a relatively long rambling video of me going through some kind of lessons I learned and going through some of the instances in which I learned them. So yeah, here we go. So number one, misuse of onslaught. Yeah, this is a card that I've had quite a tempestuous up and down relationship with since I've been playing War of the Ring. It's a very powerful card, very good card, but it's not a card for all purposes. You know, you certainly don't want to use it typically early on in a fight.
All you're doing there is, you know, diminishing your, you're taking a big risk and taking a huge hit to your army that you may then need to finish off the remainder of the stronghold. So its best is used at the end of a fight when, for example, you're trying to take down Lorian or Erebor and you've got way too many troops and you just need to finish off one last unit, maybe two last units.
Or if it's a close race and, you know, Strider is sprinting through Middle Earth and the Hobbits are marching up Mordor and you just need to, you've got to take some big risks and big swings because it's kind of an all or nothing card. I've seen players use it very effectively just by going for it, but it's a card that can really punish you if you use it in the wrong situations or you rely on it too much, I think. Because yeah, way to being a little bit patient can save you a lot of time.
If a failed onslaught means you then have to, you know, recruit three more elites and send them marching to Lorian because that's much, much slower. Right, number two, trying to force corruption strategy when the Fellowship is moving fast. In most games, Shadow Military is the way to go to win the game, unsurprisingly. But I think when I started playing online, I used to just go very hard military, which is probably still the right thing to do. Maybe I should go back to that.
But there were certainly some games when I would feel that I, you know, the sprint would be too fast and I'd look back and go, oh, maybe I should have gone for more corruption. But I think in most cases, you know, trying to go 50-50 is not the right play. Larger, you don't want to force corruption if it's just not going to happen because you then end up with the worst of both worlds. Many, many times you'll see the Fellowship rush through Middle Earth and then get spogged down in Mordor because of, you know, Strider dies and then they're not down to Gollum yet and then they stop rolling movement.
Maybe they've used their eyes already. Sorry, their rings already. And the Shadow can catch up, like the way in which Shadow can, if Shadow gets a good roll and some choice cards, the speed at which Shadow Military can just raise through the free people is sometimes astounding. So, yeah, if you try and half put one foot in each lane, you just, it often doesn't work too well. Equally, on the flip side, completely ignoring Sea Cars to Hurt Fellowship.
I do, as I'm not sure, others may disagree, but personally, I feel like if you do get an Alt Patrol or an Isildur's Bane or a Falthing from the Deep, it can be tempting to use those in combat, you know, Crawler's Death is a very powerful combat effect. But sometimes having that shot at revealing the Fellowship, whether it's in usually most useful when they're just a few steps away from trying to get into Mordor, that kind of having the chance to throw one of those cards, the Fellowship, can be game changing.
And the game in which I'm thinking about is I think I threw away one of those because I had a really stacked hand and I was just going all the cards, I was just wholly focusing on strategy cards. And then I, the Fellowship was just too quick. And I just wished, ah, if only I'd had that Alt Patrol just to have a go, have a swing at slowing them down. I mean, it might have still just been an eye. Those cards love to draw eyes.
But yeah, as a slight kind of on the flip side of number two, that's not for keeping one character card is not forcing corrupt strategies, being tactful with your corruption if you're going hard on military. Number four, I mean, this one is probably the I mean, loads of experienced players make this mistake. For getting Warmess Orontoil, I do it. I'm sure if you're watching this video, you've done it. Everyone does it. It's really annoying.
And it can be game changing, you know, it can be hugely powerful to if you hit a Mythrocrane Sting or a Bilbo song or maybe an end card or whatever, it can be just incredibly powerful thing to miss. So look out for that little flashing card. For getting the mouth. Everything I just said applies here. I've done it many times, even as an experienced player, still forget them sometimes. And also don't forget that you can get them when all of the free people nations are at war. I got to do that in a game recently against its Rail there. It was very satisfying.
Always nice to get an early mouth. So yeah, don't forget the mouth. Throwing away a tile drawing card when the fellowship was sprinting. Okay, so this is actually what I must be referring to with three. I'm guessing in this game, I just completely was ignoring character. So but this is essentially the same point. Trying to find a way to gain a turn. Again, referencing Galahad B's excellent channel.
He often thinks about the game in terms of how many turns will it take the fellowship to get to Mordor, which is a useful thing to do, whether you're the free peels player or the shadow player, because it kind of gives you a bit of a clock you're thinking okay, on average, how many moves are they going to be able to make this turn? Are they going to be able to get a next turn? If they're going to be able to get a next turn, is there a way that I can slow them down? And I'm going to be able to get a next turn. Maybe it's through playing a tile drawing card.
Maybe it's through use of you know, obviously, cruel weather is the best way. But yeah, something to consider because earning that extra turn can be really important. Okay, story time. This is one of the most painful losses I've ever had. It was against mistaken tuna. He's a he's a really solid player, really decent player. But this is when mistaken tuna was quite new to the server. I think I joined maybe like six months or a few months before mistaken tuna. And at the time, I felt like I was a stronger player mistaken tuna was kind of like still feeling it out online.
And I was winning the game very comfortably a shadow very comfortably. And mistaken tuna did like this absolutely like, frankly, ridiculous free military attempt by charging gandalf using through a day and night from like from like path caliber and a Gandhi army and like path caliber and all like Eastern Met and charged into Mordor with a wasn't even that big. The army was not even that big. Like it should have lost object but like by all objective measures, it was a suicide mission. And it should have lost mistaken tuna the game. But when you're desperate, you got to do these things, right. So got lucky here.
Also got lucky in Gorgoroth. When I attacked into it, I think I got like, like one on zero hits with quite a strong card or something like that. And I ended up having to rely on a big stack taking down like trying to take down like three units in Baradar to to to stay in the game. And if I if I killed this army, I would have 100% won the game. There was no way back into the game from mistaken tuna. So and this this ties into number one misuse of onslaught, I had an onslaught and I had a relents assault.
And for some God forsaken reason, I thought that it would be better to use the onslaught first. Rather than the relents assault. But the thing is that like, at least with a relents assault, you you're just rolling more dice to do the hits. Like a relents assault is sacrificing two dudes to roll on fours. And then you at least get rerolls with an onslaught. You're trying to roll on sixes. And then if you do like a big four and it flops, you're screwed. I mean, all I know is that like relents assault is a big hit.
So I rolled a bunch of fours when I would have used a wrench assault, and then rolled like absolute trash on the onslaught and ended up losing the fight and losing the battle. And yeah, fuck onslaught. That was my sentiment at the time. But yeah, that one really, really stung and stayed with me for a long time. So yeah, that's that's a perfect matchup. I think I'm going to go with that. Yeah, that's that's a perfect example of when not to use onslaught. Don't use it early on in the fight.
When you have no character dice and loads of masters with a witch king stock, you should pivot to Rohan. Nothing to lose. Yeah, I mean, this is something I like to do in general. If you just have a load of right of load of mustard ice, doing a massive Rohan charge up and then assault is a great thing to do. Yeah, I'm surprised this lost me a game. I don't know what I was doing with those musters elsewhere because I mean, it's a pretty obvious place to use musters often mid game at least.
Yeah, can be a good good, you know, just blitzkrieg in with with all thank into Helms Deep try and take out at least get help with the Yeah, this is something again I think newer players do less often. Sometimes it might look like a game is unwinnable, or you're going to have to do some really, really good things. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught.
So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught.
So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I think that's a good example of when not to use onslaught. So yeah, I mean, I'm sure the shadow improved quite a bit, just using that as a keep having that in your arsenal. When free people's military victory is a threat, fully defend, don't half ass it. Yeah, yeah, definitely been a bit cocky in games where you think free military, I can ride it out, I can ride it out, but when it's like all or nothing.
You got to just give everything to defend, you got to do everything within your power, you know, use all the strong cards, you know, fly every way you can to get Nazgul in to defend. Yeah, don't just take it for granted that you're gonna you're gonna survive and roll the dice or will help you because the free people, you know, they have strong military offensive cards and the Shadow has very few strong defensive cards, especially if there is a Gandalf in battle because yeah that just immediately deactivates half of half of your cards. Yeah, so that's something to be careful with. 11. Using a strong card just because you can not because you should.
Yeah, this is one I see a lot and I think it's gonna apply to quite a lot of cards. The ones that jump, the one that springs to mind straight away is is Shadows Gather. I've seen it lots in games where someone will like they want to use Shadows Gather so badly so they'll like do some awkward thing here and then they'll do Shadows Gather from here to here and then they'll leave like one guy and dagger lad or they'll they'll like shoehorn this army here and then do it up here.
It often just it can just be quite clumsy and when you think when you actually add it up, you're not necessarily getting full value because you know if you're really having to shoehorn those cards it can it can just not not be hugely effective. I'm trying to think of other examples of cards. Let me just have a quick think. I mean maybe it could be like using a maybe like a deadly strife in a fight we don't really need to use it. It could be using Grond or fighting a Rokai in a battle where you probably shouldn't use it.
I mean a little bit like Onslaught those are very dangerous cards to use against well-stocked armies you know.
If you're using Grond against a 1-2 in Lorien in most cases the most hits that that army can do against you is three per round it's unlikely they're gonna get three hits per round and if you have a 10 HP stack you're still gonna be alive at the end of it if they have a perfect thing but like if you're up against a 1-3 or a 3-2 or a 2-3 like they can get five hits on you multiple rounds in a row and you're just trapped in this cycle of death like this is so many I think yeah Witch King gets killed so often in that situation so if you don't need to use Grond like it's an easy way of losing a game that you're quite comfortably ahead in by taking a risk on Grond when you could have just like been a little bit more patient maybe waited until the stronghold was a little bit weaker or using on a different stronghold where you had a less of a threat yeah just something to be wary of.
Not leaving one Nazgul in certain armies given the option of moving on seas yeah so this can happen sometimes you'll have like all of your Nazgul will be you know all in one army grouped up together let's say this guy is here and you've got all your Nazgai hanging out together having a big party and you're sitting on sitting on Lorian but Lorian gets really you know they get Keterborns and Paratugrate and you don't want to attack it or you can't attack it but then you have a bunch of sea dice and then you've got this big army here that you want to move into to Pelagier but there's no leadership in it and you're like oh my god that's so annoying I'm gonna have to use a sea dice to move all my leadership around again and then use the sea dice to move into Pelagier like it just it can just be maybe you only have one sea dice one sea die so so yeah leaving one Nazgul in it in just an army somewhere that you intend to move later on it's gonna be especially useful in late game when you know it's vital every I mean every half movement a movement counts massively when playing a shadow but especially in the late game when you're trying to just you know eke out the every offensive possibility from every single half movement and character die so so yeah that's a nice option more effective once you've got more Nazgul on the board obviously and the witch kings in play but yeah just there's something to think about gambling on killing strong Dale over getting into weak woodland realm okay gambling on killing strong Dale over getting into weak woodland realm so I'm guessing I attacked into a strong Dale when I could have just gone round the strong Dale and got into wooden realm yeah just because Dale's here you don't have to attack it you can go around it that seems pretty self-explanatory not prioritizing getting rerolls on fellowship when you have the chance yeah this is a really big one that I think a lot of newer players don't well they either put too much stock in this or they don't put any stock in it at all when I was a newer player I didn't really prioritize getting rerolls on the fellowship that much but especially if the fellowship has been hit at all in the early game even if you're prioritizing military it's not that hard just to get like you know you know say the say the fruit of the fellowships here in dimmledale you attack into Lorian and you leave behind the two guys or you set up a little like Nazgul web so that wherever the fellowship ends up going they're gonna have to go into the one of these territories and then like using the odd half mood to chase the fellowship down follow them wherever they're going that can be extremely powerful and in a game of fine margins you've got to take every edge you can to get a get one over on the fellowship slow them down you know the amount of times that Nazgul the second reroll or the one reroll hits a five or a six and you get an extra tile draw and then it's a maybe it's a reveal maybe it kills Strider maybe it means that you get an extra turn before these three people get into mortal the pressure gets demortal so yeah that's a really something to so definitely not undervalue as a new player not playing you only attack the fellowship card in combat I think we've covered that that would be referring to begin like I think I basically ran that three times in various forms obviously something that I feel strongly about it's just yeah using all of the all patrol is sort of Bane style cards in combat but sometimes that's a correct thing to do 16 targeting wrong stronghold on final turn always wrap your options what's more important isn't the size of your army but the difference between the size of your army and the opponents yeah so I lose a lot of games the shadow I mean I'm I'd say I'm a pretty solid shadow player for the most part but I've definitely lost games by in the final round where you've got to pick a target you can only you've only got one or two dice left and you've only got to choose which one you want to send the witching to to try to get the final two victory points get over the line beat your opponent and I think in this game it was like arable or Helms deep and maybe I chose arable because I had a huge army there or the vice versa maybe I had a chosen but I didn't discount but but the opponent also had a big army so they could a do more hits against me and be you know you have to consider what types of cards they might have available to them so if you're going for Rohan there's a chance that they have end cards and end cards are some of the most powerful military cards in the game so if you're coming up against who won dark and an entourage your big stack can melt rather quickly if the rolls don't go your way especially if you don't have strong cards to counter those cards so yeah think about the difference in size of army and the nature of the target you're going up against another typical thing is if you're going up against the Gandhi army then you've got a re evaluate everything if you don't have any good strong anti Gandhi cards you're trying to roll sixes on five dice while they're hidden you know five dice against you like that can you know you if you've played enough of this game you've seen Gandalf survive in insane circumstances because he's just his power is so so strong moving attacking army to fords of Bruinen rather than troll shores when going for Rivendell always go troll shores yes this is a game quite relatively recent in the world tournament that was playing against Mick Michael who's an excellent player and I'm not sure this cost me the game but I was here and this guy this swine was here and I was trying to get Rivendell under siege and just because of like force of habit because of where the hobbits go when you when you've I've revealed the fellowship you always reveal them in fords of Bruinen if they hit once unless you're by the night warriors middle-earth and you're going for the Western way so I just out of like muscle memory moved my army here and then what he did is he moved here and then because he then moved first next turn he got his dude in there and it meant that I could barely take down Rivendell I think I like is I don't think it lost me the game but it was certainly a factor in me losing the game so yeah like just move the army into troll shores it's not hard just move them there don't move them here simple little thing to do but yes stuff like that can buy this game is such fine margins you can lose games things like that forgetting an offensive free people's army isn't at war usually elves or the north yeah I've done this before sometimes you get so colder because like when this free people's player starts like looking like a genuine military threat you can almost I've seen it happen quite a lot even quite experienced players can get very overly defensive actually they can get really in their heads and start like I mean and it's good to be defensive in this situation you want to make sure that you have your bases covered and you can't get caught with your pants down by you know a through day and a night into Moran and then suddenly you're like I'll crap and I'm gonna play the game as if you know free people's ability image could happen at any point but sometimes like I'm thinking about all can I attack into Osgiliath with when you know if I do it they can walk into like one attack into Osgiliath they might not even be they might be two steps away from war especially in like the mid to late game often in the mid game like it's very common that both Gondor and the elves are at war which is why this came up it must been a game where I was just I just assumed in like turn eight that Gondor must be at war and I was planning all my you like you know oh there's a big army with Boromir and and Strat and Aragorn and I'm like you're thinking about I'll crap if he plays through a day and a night you can go in but then I realized Gondor's not even at war and I've just been like wasted two or three dice defending when it wasn't even a remote possibility of Gondor being a threat and the same thing can happen with the else is very very common the elves are the first nation to go to war but in the odd game they don't go to war and you're kind of thinking oh crap if they come into Moria I've got a worry about defending Moria if you've gone for Rivendell you send this army somewhere else but if they're not a war they can't do it so it's a bit of a rare rare thing but it has actually caught me off guard made me maybe make the little mistakes number 19 going for Lorian in loam this is straight off the back of my game against finale where I there are times to go for Lorian in loam I was just being a little bit tongue-in-cheek here but don't forget I mean the annoying thing was that like I knew this wasn't a thing very obviously before I then made the mistake but never ever forget never forget how hellish Lorian is in laws of Middle-earth if you can't take it out quickly and swiftly and there's no they know and they get Galadriel into play it's hell it's the worst thing ever it sucks and it will punish you so yeah be careful out there people okay now this is non losing errors this again they're things that didn't lose me games but I thought were worthy enough to write down inefficient use of shadows gathered don't be afraid to move big armies from Gondor Rohan if you have sufficient cover and need to get over the line I mean that seems like an obvious one from Gondor or Rohan yeah I just think maybe I wasn't considering every possibility of using shadows gather that's all I can think of there I mean it's just it's goes without saying it's one of the most powerful cards in the whole game and just being efficient with it can be hugely important so yeah don't don't waste shadows gather make sure you think about using it well not finishing off excuse me not finishing off a stronghold a shadow when there's a big army nearby even if your army shrinks it's worth it for the plus six defensive bonus and wasting enemy dice so yeah this can be a case where for example you've got Ministerious under siege and it's down to like let's say it's down to like I don't like two guys left or something like that and you got your big stack on it and for whatever reason you don't finish it off there and then maybe you don't have good cards to cycle maybe it just doesn't feel like the time is right maybe you just get distracted whatever but there's a big army growing in Rohan you know maybe it's there's a big army in fold or something like that in the specific instance I'm describing here is often when you go for an early Helms deeper shadow you often go for it with quite a small army so let's say we've got like this against yes is a better example so you've got like this situation here you didn't quite finish them off but then you you wait just a little bit too long and the Rohan are able to attack into you being attacked into in this in a field battle is so so much worse so much worse than just getting into the safety of the stronghold it means that you're vulnerable to help unlooked for which is pretty much guaranteed that you're gonna have to then scamper away or very likely gonna have to scamper especially there's more than one guy in Helms deep it means that you know you're rolling on fives against you so this army can get decimated much more quickly just if you can kill even if it doesn't feel good maybe you've only got like a tiny little army left it's still worth going for the kill and trying to take down the stronghold because once you're inside the amount of dice that the free people are gonna have to use to take that back it's gonna really waste their time it gets you up to two victory points obviously which is like you know amazing but the amount of dice they have to you know it's expensive for the free people for the free put attacking the strongholds is so expensive for their dice economy they have to start using character dice to do it often wheels the West to do it because otherwise they only rely on hybrids which are relatively you know it's only one in six that you roll a hybrid so yeah just getting inside the stronghold is crucial so crucial for shadow yeah and especially for removing the threat of help and look for which is hugely powerful card not playing warm assault all even if fellowship is thin it's a great way to kill good cars like Mithras Bilbo song etc yeah so sometimes you know the fellowship will get into Mordor and you draw warm assault late game and there's only like two two guys left in the fellowship maybe maybe three something like that and you might think ah is it even worth playing warm assault and toil at this stage of this late stage in the game yeah yeah it is yeah yeah you really should even sometimes if there's just one guy left in the fellowship provided it's not a hobbit who will dodge it but yeah just sniping Mithra Co or Bilbo song is potentially winning you know Mithra Co is so hugely powerful for the free people in Mordor so even if it's like you know it's only a 50% chance or a 33% chance of hitting it if you know you're gonna get at least one shot to to play warm assault and toil ideally two or three still very powerful very powerful so don't just discount it because it's you know it's better in the early game but it still can be very strong in the mid game and the sorry late game discarding slash playing vital shadow mustering cards eg musterlings of a long plan war which the one that musters in in Mordor for their combat effects in a free peels military victory game also not holding forward mustering cards yeah so when you're playing as a shadow in a in a game where the free military victory becomes a genuine threat you have to really again like reevaluate the value of certain cards must things of a long plan war I think it's normally a desperate battle in like you know 90% of games you just use as a desperate battle because that's a great card to take down strongholds as soon as three military victors a big army up here yes Aragorn's involved and lots of mustering is happening and maybe you're a little bit little bit short in Mordor because you've gone scampering up to the dew line suddenly musterlings takes on like a whole new value equally the forward mustering cards ie hill trolls Ollokai and what's the other one half orcs and goblins they also have a heightened value so if you get a sense of the free people might people might get bit desperate if you like it can even be a game we were winning comfortably and you're doing pretty well but if you get a sense of like oh it's kind of like a dog that's been you know you know it's suddenly gonna jump and attack you've got to make sure to muzzle it by by holding on to those those cards so that when it does bite you're prepared and you've got something up your sleeve to to protect you you know you can often tell or get a sense of where the free people are likely to go so another one is actually shadows in the Misty Mountains you know very very powerful offensive cards you know build up forces in Moria but if it's kind of mid to late game and one of the only ways back into the game is for like a mad attack from Lorian into Moria yeah hold on to that card orcs multiply again hold on to it hill trolls hold on to it pits of Mordor these are all amazingly useful defensive cards in a free people's military victory game not checking discarded cards in a free people's military victory game some meant some cards are game changers and you need to know if your opponent still has them yes so I spent a whole game once playing around playing around path of the woes is when my opponent already played path of the woes is and I just like I think I did even check either I checked and I didn't look closely enough or I misremembered or I just was was just not thinking straight and that can waste like two dice you know you can you know moving dudes around to try and cover all of these bases and you can get in your own head about cars like that same goes for dead man through a day and a night these are like three of the cards that can really change the shape of a of a game that shadow is very far ahead in or looking like they're going to get a comfortable victory a well-timed dead man a well time through then a night and equally like I've tried to be super clever and done all these plays to block through a day and a night when it's already been played and I've just again I've forgotten about it so yeah just keep an eye on those cards use this function if you don't know about it click on the discarded cards function you can see what cards have already been played at least the ones that have been visible yeah something to bear in mind putting the witch in the wrong army yeah yeah definitely think carefully about where you want to put the witch king when you bring bring the witching in it can have a really big impact on on the game a classic one is do you want to you know it's very common for the shadow to try and do kind of a pincer attack on woodland realm and Lorian at the same time to minimize them not matter mustering that the free people can do if you do this it's usually then that the elves are put to war and you can muster the witch king where'd you put the witching do you put him in lorange put in woodland realm always depends on the context of the game in some cases if Lorian's looking tough you might want to put in woodland realm maybe you can then take the whole of the dew line and you just keep keep the witch king in here and you take down five victory points do lots of card cycling in one fell swoop you don't need to move for the Nazgul around that's great in other games because Lorian is has two very powerful cards to defend it in Kelleborn's Gulladrim and a power 2 great so often you want to just wipe Lorian off the face the map early cycle cards there and then move on so yeah depends on the context of the game somewhat but yeah putting the witch king in the wrong army can be again you know can really slow you down and if you stop drawing character dice later on can also be quite quite awkward so yeah make sure that you give some thought into where you put the witch king playing a tile drawing card when Gandhi is in the fellowship and the fellowship has a will yeah so this is something that again like I don't think I'm surprised this is like number seven and because I thought this is something I wouldn't have done for a long time but yeah you never almost never want to play a tile drawing card when Gandhi's there because then what you can do is accidentally kill Gandhi and then give the fellowship a massive leg up by allowing them to get Gandalf the White so yeah there's definitely early game killing Gandalf is not always a good thing at all often a very bad thing especially if the three appeals player is holding a will so I'm surprised I even did that I feel like that's something I would have drilled out of my system and very very early on but yeah just be careful if you if Gandalf is somehow still alive mid-game don't don't forget and think and just at that point you should be given up on corruption and you should be going full hardcore military because if Gandhi's still alive in around here you're very very very unlikely to win a corruption game and last but not least forgetting about day without dawn duh yeah I think I make I think it's no surprise that I lose a lot of my games because of mistakes I make in probably the last you know when I've been playing for like over an hour over 90 minutes that you know is that final stretch and at that point your brain is often quite tired you're more susceptible to miss things and in this case I'm forgot day without dawn you know I forgot that I had it in my hand and the I'm guessing the free people rolled a bunch of wheels I forgot to use it which is just so annoying but yeah I don't know what the solution is for that just because a lot of this is just forgetting so if maybe like go for a bathroom break when you get into when the chef free people guys gets into some order and just you know just splash some water in your face take you know have a drink of water or something like that you know or just don't play when you're tired which is often because I've got a young son it's quite hard to play war of the ring when I'm not tired so maybe maybe that's why I'm not a really top player yeah that must be why that's definitely why cool well hopefully that was useful for everybody and hopefully see you on the server on the discord server cheers for watching bye bye like and subscribe people I'm gonna become a poor for YouTube like and subscribe.