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You can't sail more than five minutes without finding a villain in Sea of Thieves. Look, there's one now! Doing all his villain stuff, plotting, thinking of his next plan to overthrow the world. Tired. Lonely. Love-starved. But of course there are the low-key villains which are about as frequent as some washed-up loot, but then there's the big guys and girls. The ones who set everything in motion. The ones who stroke a white cat and say things like, yeah, it was all part of my plan. Let's take a look at the Gold Hoarder for example.
Did you know for a time he was actually involved in a ritual where every Gold Hoarder would be summoned by his envoy and meet him in person and given a special key to mark their lives as a Gold Hoarder? Then at some point across the line he just decided, you know what, f*** it, I'm just going to sit here and be sad instead. Did you also know he used to be called Wrathbone and used to be part of the Pirate Lords crew? Well, probably not because the game does nothing to tell you that. As far as villains go, he's pretty pathetic. He's not a schema or a Noah.
He does have an uncanny ability to keep coming back to life though, even though now he's essentially a staff enchantment. The Gold Hoarder. A score of three evil bananas. Actually do something, you sandwich. Speaking of people coming back to life with no explanation, the Siren Queen. Old Queenie McQueen-erson. The Siren Queen. Used to be a regular merfolk like all the others, until she began an interspecies relationship with an ancient warrior. Obviously disappointed at the Ancient's ability to hold his breath for long enough whilst they were making out, she hatched a plan to turn him into a merfolk too, so she could be a housewife and leave all the hard labour to him.
She and him used a bunch of powerful stones to turn him into a frequent viewer of Gilhub, but the old Ancient fellas didn't like that very much, because their stones of power were to be used for far more responsible acts. Like tearing down the wall between the afterlife and the living world, and decided to kill the ancient warrior. The Queen got all upset about this, and a whispering plague was unleashed, turning herself and all who followed her into the Sirens. And then we killed her. And then she came back to life. And then the Pirate Lord killed her again. Five evil bananas because your backstory's pretty cool but you simply won't f*** off.
Davy Jones. I liked him in the movie. Absolute spade in the game. One bowl of decomposed salad and a tall glass of s***t mineral supplement from Amazon. Are you fed up with your top of the range console? Or your top of the range gaming PC? Are your frames in Minesweeper causing you a headache? Then worry no more, my little charmed. The wonderful people over at Apex Gaming PCs are just what you need to put a smile on your face. The perfect place to craft and build your PC for those of us who don't have the foggiest. Look at little Timmy here.
He just got his Apex Gaming PC and he's very happy. I'm very happy. Use code FALCOR at checkout and save yourself some cash. All links are down below. I killed Demarco. Graymarrow. Now this guy, he's pretty cool. He's got that cool look and a massive sword which he never actually uses. Hey, did you know his full name is Gideon Graymarrow? Which not only is an awesome name, but that also means his initials are GG. Graymarrow has been around for a long time. He was here when he was flesh and blood.
Watched and laughed as Ramsey fought off a Kraken at Golden Sands, and also kicked Pendragon's butt when he was a skeleton. I mean, let's be honest, that's not a hard thing to do. Although we gave him a swift killing and a tall tale and now he's back at the Fort of the Damned as a literal loot piñata, I think he's literally the only villain that keeps coming back. That is kind of explained why. Good job, Rare. Gideon Graymarrow. Seven evil bananas, mainly because of your long, girthy and firm. . . sword. Flameheart. We all know about this guy.
Although the big head had an entire book rose about him, we still don't know much about him. But what we do know is, he's pure evil. He's very pissed off, and almost every single story arc surrounds him in some shape or form. You see, when Flameheart first came to the scene, one evil banana, everyone's bored of you. Rook. You might not remember who this person is, but she's the Skursal Lord from the tall tale Wild Rose. Basically, you know that insane ex that still checks up on you even 10 years after you split up and moved on? No? Well, maybe that's just me.
Well imagine that, but undead, and likes trapping souls and objects to keep them with her forever. Which is kind of silly. My ex just trapped me in a soulless relationship for six years of my life. Wouldn't have that been easier. Ten evil bananas. Stop calling me. Stitch Jim. Pretty good villain. Turned into the herald of flame. But you don't know that because you didn't do the adventure. Seven evil bananas, mostly because he has a good singing voice. The servant of flame, aka Flameheart Jr. Flameheart Jr. has some really bad daddy issues.
He came to the sea of thieves to be just like his daddy, but then he found a mystical chest, did a reaper run, sank in the shroud, got lost in some cabins, got lured to a room with some strange water and drank some, and turned into a really daft skeleton. Then he met this dude called the Captain, and then ran away from him, and just kept running until he fell off a cliff. And now he's wearing big boy clothes, and just wants his dad to hug him again. One soft bunny plushie. Grow up. Oh wait, you're dead. The catten. Now, we don't know much about him.
Even this picture is one that I made. All we know is, Flameheart mute-need him as a captain, and left him to rot on an island. He has a cat, and he tried to kidnap Flameheart's son. So basically, his crew bricked him, so he took a cat onto an island and tried to kidnap a young teen. Wow, when you put it like that, he doesn't sound so cool, does he? Seven evil bananas, just in case you're actually cool. The mass stranger. Used to be a blacksmith called Wanda. Turned into a skeleton named herself the Warsmith. Started an uprising of skeleton vessels and fleets.
Went missing whilst leaving her onslaught battling in her absence. Re-emerged as the mass stranger. Resurrected Flameheart. Decided he wasn't as cool as people said he was. Teened up with a dark brethren. And now has her own fangirl. All in all, one of the best villains in CFES, who has all of her story present within the game itself. Unless you miss some of the Avengers, of course. In which case, you're fucked. Ten evil bananas and a slightly depressed pineapple. .